Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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Bear with me here, I know I may get lambasted for this but would you be willing to ride with Pruitt it another year if Tennessee was able to hire a much better coach? Let's say that Tennessee has reached out and not gotten the feedback that they wanted from prospective coaches? I realize many if not most would are going to say, "But Freeze could be here in 24 hours." Maybe that's true but perhaps there is more to the story than we know. Perhaps there is laundry that hasn't been aired. Think Donnie Tyndall. If you take Freeze off the table, I'm not sure who you could get. Malzahn I suppose but does he want to jump back in? Do we want damaged goods from Auburn (I know, Barnes was damaged goods from Texas)? The other coaches mentioned seem like solid coaches but they've not really proven it on a stage this big. I guess what I'm trying to say is if waiting a year meant a top shelf coach, would you be willing to do it. For me I think so. If recruiting fell off the rails I would say no but the class isn't bad, which is remarkable given the circumstances.

The downside to waiting IMO, is he goes 6-6 or 7-5 next year and that's seen as improvement and he's granted more time. If that happens and he has a decent year in 2022, he gets extended again.

I really hope we have learned our lesson. We have good options this year, those options may not be available next year. This year, we would have one of the best jobs available. It is rare good options are available anyway and next year it is highly unlikely we will have the best job available. Our options in 2013 were Strong or Jones, options for for 2018 were Schiano, Doeren, Pruitt, Tucker, or Steele. 2021 options are at minimal Freeze, Sarkisian, or Napier.
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I read a few articles about his role at Pilot/Flying J. While he was CEO, the company grew by ~500%. Not bad for selling gas.
Enough to get the FBI looking at them. Weren't they accused of buying business through kickbacks or something like that?
I do gotta say that I am pretty disgusted by the fire Pruitt crowd throwing out allegations of cheating (which is ridiculous in this league anyway...everybody "cheats" to one degree or another) just to help shove him out the door...that is some low down crap.
I get the impression, whatever they're talking about, is not a "cheating" issue.. Kinda scares me a little..Honestly, I hope we never hear about it..
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Today was a big day for me. Finally got to lay eyes on my baby girl View attachment 331539

Congrats! Just had my first (a boy) in Oct. Life is already immeasurably different in a very good way! The fact that he's my clone as a baby probably helps on the father-son attachment process, lol.
Prayers for Pruitt and his family with the loss of his grandfather but you don’t let that excuse making a necessary business decision. Is there grace and tact in the timing? Absolutely. You can do the necessary thing at a more opportune time, but you don’t handicap this team and program by stringing this product along just because of a personal situation that you feel bad for. If that’s the case then Fulmer needs to go get involved in a non-profit or charity. #BusinessDecision2020
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Fantasy land if you think the players haven’t felt the fire Pruitt train
Who said I suggest differently? There's an ocean of difference between players feeling some of the fire Pruitt train and no support from the fanbase for the players, team, and program. It's like you are being overdramatic about this, which is crazy because that's so unlike you.
So, to all here who insist that UT's leadership doesn't want to win...why do you think that? The leadership isn't the same people that got us here. At all. What evidence has Fulmer, Boyd, or Plowman ever given that suggests they don't want to win? They've given Pruitt everything he's asked for. Overpriced coordinators. More staff. Facilities. The constant insistence that they don't want to win is ignorant, and perhaps even destructive.

Boyd is a business guy, not an academic. He didn't get where he is without a competitive drive and didn't get where he is without an understanding of the immense value of having an elite football program. He wants to win because it's good business. The thing that @LA Vol has made abundantly clear is that he doesn't want to make a move simply to do so, he will make a move if he believes he can make the right one. Which is simply wisdom. Doing the wrong thing here could be just as destructive, or worse, than doing nothing. Give the man a chance to do his job.

There’s a difference between wanting to win and taking the actual steps to do so and I’m not trying to get cute with semantics so I’ll show examples. History has shown that since Kiffin left there’s been no emphasis on keeping up with the Tier 1 schools. Most of the time we look like a school that’s just happy to be participating.

Now, is the new regime the same as the past? They’ve supported Pruitt some but it was also rumored that he wanted Freeze for OC and that was shot down. He’s going to be back in the SEC so why not here?

After one of our best bball seasons ever we almost lost Barnes to UCLA and the UTAD was prepared to let him walk until boosters stepped in (confirmed by Atlanta Vol) with more money. Do we give them credit for that?

Things are better now than under previous ADs but we aren’t plowing forward to become a force in the league just yet. Think about how UF fired Jammy Mackaway after two division titles and UGA fired Richt after 10 win seasons. We’re doing the hem and haw with a coach at 3 wins. There’s just a big gap between how we operate and the teams we want to compete against, but I’m hoping they prove me wrong.
I feel like CJP and the coaching staff knows they are coaching for their job tomorrow, whether or not the outcome does have an affect on the decision. Same thing with the players. With that being said, it will be very interesting to see if they come out on fire, or if they just say “to hell with it” and sleep walk through the game
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