Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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We literally have a large number of posters gladly admitting they want us to lose and lose badly

So yea I call a spade a spade and don’t give a damn who dislikes me for it

Our players are going to play their ass off for their coaches and themselves tomorrow. Their fans are a disgrace at the moment

The thing is, it doesn't make anyone less of a fan by seeing that a loss may be the best thing long term for the program. I myself can't root for us to lose, but at the same time I can clearly see a win will be fun for a couple days but if it means Pruitt is back, then it's just simply not worth it. The problem isn't the players. The players can play their asses off all they want, it won't mean anything until we get coaches in here who coach their asses off. It's that simple.
The thing is, it doesn't make anyone less of a fan by seeing that a loss may be the best thing long term for the program. I myself can't root for us to lose, but at the same time I can clearly see a win will be fun for a couple days but if it means Pruitt is back, then it's just simply not worth it. The problem isn't the players. The players can play their asses off all they want, it won't mean anything until we get coaches in here who coach their asses off. It's that simple.

Doesn’t make them less of a fan; it makes them losers.

Losers want to lose.
Boosters have been very vocal about firing Pruitt lately, and are have been starting to lobby for Freeze hard. There's already heavy interest from Freeze's camp. Fulmer has done his best to keep them at bay, (boosters), but a blowout loss to A&M may seal his fate. I'm sure ATL Vol can attest to this.

One thing that may opt for another year for Pruitt, is that Fulmer has had daily conversations with Pruitt and about the projection of this team. And has backed him this year, although the coaching staff changes are not looking good. Does he see Pruitt as the guy who can take a huge step next year? Can he satisfy the big money guys for one more year of have they had enough?
If Fulmer is trying to keep a terrible head coach then he can go too. It's over and we don’t need to kick the ca. down the road. Good for the boosters for wanting to win and have a respectable program. I know some VFLs who have voiced their frustrations for a change too.
I agree about the hemming and hawing over a coach with 3 wins, but I suppose I disagree about the reason for the hemming and hawing.

I think the reason for the hemming and hawing is because our people have no clue on where to go, or they have about 10 competing ideas about where to go from here with no desire to compromise. It isn't that they don't want to take the steps to do so; it's that there are a bunch of competing ideas as to what "the steps" are. Who wins in the end? Well, whoever the winner of the power struggle is, which is different from who has the best idea. You're seeing that at Auburn right now and you've seen it for years at Texas too.

In the UF and UGA examples you mentioned, all their people knew exactly who they wanted and were all on the same page, so that allowed them to act decisively to go get Mullen and Kirby respectively. In UT's case, I think you've got people that are on about 8 or 10 different pages, and they all want it to be their idea that gets used and nobody else's. We are an extremely inefficient, petty, and overall much more dysfunctional organization than our rivals are.

I can definitely see that point of view. Tennessee football needs its own Commissioner or at least a Dictator with a brain.
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Probably not looking good, as in nobody wants jump on board a sinking ship.
Id rather it be that than get stuck with Pruitt for a lame year 5 because there are too many expensive buy outs to pay. Ive been on train we've paid up for who Pruitt wanted as assistants. Make him keep what he's got.
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If you have to buyout and pay for a new DC and OC, why the hell wouldn't you just go ahead and clean house? No reason to run through that process again the next year with the lame duck coordinators you convinced to sail on this sinking ship.
Especially when both of those guys are million dollar coordinators
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