Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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I was asking LAVol, and he already said Freeze would be a no. I was curious to his opinion.
i don't think he said it'd be a "no" he said he'd be polarizing and it would cause discomfort. and that pruitt was doing the same, and we didn't need more of it.
he never said never....the only two names i've seen him type in any context in this conversation is napier and freeze, iirc.
That’s awesome. I think the 3 month thing was a midway point for immunity. I am sure other people had immunity longer than that like your daughter. Everyone is different
Update: Daughter unable to donate blood today (they weighed her) so no antibody test. Her friend (that had it at the same time she did) did donate blood this week and she still has the antibodies.

Kiffin and Pruitt are a part of a group text chain with SEC coaches, including the recently fired Will Muschamp.

“Muschamp was fired up in our text,” Kiffin said via 247Sports. “Two nights ago he goes, ‘I’m not worried about anything.’ ‘Cause I was ripping Pruitt in text messaging, saying, ‘Pruitt, stop saying I’m going to Auburn. I’m not going to Auburn. You’re telling all the recruits I’m going to Auburn.’ Muschamp goes, ‘Good thing I don’t have to deal with those lies anymore.’”

Kiffin and Pruitt are a part of a group text chain with SEC coaches, including the recently fired Will Muschamp.

“Muschamp was fired up in our text,” Kiffin said via 247Sports. “Two nights ago he goes, ‘I’m not worried about anything.’ ‘Cause I was ripping Pruitt in text messaging, saying, ‘Pruitt, stop saying I’m going to Auburn. I’m not going to Auburn. You’re telling all the recruits I’m going to Auburn.’ Muschamp goes, ‘Good thing I don’t have to deal with those lies anymore.’”
i would really like to be part of that group chat.
Took my mom to the hospital for more tests today. Stupidly listened to WNML while doing it. Whoever Ainge's sidekick is, he was all in on why Pruitt deserves another year. Talking about how NEXT year is the year we'll see what kind of coach JP is. As if this year doesn't matter. Why the hell did we play the games then?

Also heard Barrett Sallee on with Heather and whoever. That guy is an absolute doucher, yet they were fawning all over him.

I actually consider Barrett Sallee to be reasonable. He is a regular on a local show here. When I first heard him, he was not high on Butch Jones in year 4, and I didn't care for him much. But in hindsight, he was probably more right than wrong. Since then, I believe he is pretty darn good, even going in on the officiating in our Alabama game last year and also criticizing Dan Wolken this year.
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Kiffin and Pruitt are a part of a group text chain with SEC coaches, including the recently fired Will Muschamp.

“Muschamp was fired up in our text,” Kiffin said via 247Sports. “Two nights ago he goes, ‘I’m not worried about anything.’ ‘Cause I was ripping Pruitt in text messaging, saying, ‘Pruitt, stop saying I’m going to Auburn. I’m not going to Auburn. You’re telling all the recruits I’m going to Auburn.’ Muschamp goes, ‘Good thing I don’t have to deal with those lies anymore.’”
So Pruitt gonna hire Champ after he fires Ansley isn't he?
I’m confused as to why people actually are wanting cheating rumors(which who knows where these even come from) to be true. You realize that would scare away any new coach you want? You want to paint a pretty picture for a coach not a **** hole. Lol. People have lost their minds here hoping we lose and get caught with something.

The general comments about he can’t develop players is blatantly false. Before this season everyone screamed about how good he was at this but now it’s opposite... what changed? Oh yeah no spring and training camp. Also everyone is focused on QB which is where the development sucks but that is because of only getting to see Jg all the time. We have good players all over the rest of the positions. Our issues on defense have been middle of field... guess what you got two running backs that didn’t get a spring or full training camp at MLB and lost Shamburger who was rated as a top Nickle last yr. issue on offense was solely a crappy QB. We have great talent at RB, WR and OL that have played well when given chance.
What's really salty is that people are talking about running Fulmer and Pruitt off because of something that may have happened that would make UT look bad. Hello Freeze---he did something that did make Ole Miss look bad. :cool::cool::cool::cool: I guess double standards are real
Would be nice but im not 100% convinced. A blow out speeds things up imo
i don't think your belief is required for it to still be true.

losing to a top 5 team that's in the playoff hunt, by virtually any margin, should not, and likely IS not the "line of demarcation" game.

there's likely zero chance that the folks making this call are sitting around, looking at the whole body of work for the past 3 years and come to the conclusion "yeah...but let's see what he does in this one game, then decide".

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