Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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They are coming to destroy us. They’re going to make a statement

Yesssss..... they're bringing a banjo 👀tenor-12.gif

*Is aTm saying they're going to beat us with a banjo? I thought it was "beat you like a drum"? Is "going to pick you like a banjo" an old TX saying?

Do they think we're all hillbillies? I don't even own a banjo, I've got overalls and a corncob pipe, but I don't have a banjo!
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What is the game where you sit in a circle and one person starts by telling the person beside them a sentence and then it goes around the circle? What is that game called
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So if Tee does well tomorrow assuming Chaney is out. Tee gets promoted to OC, Bobo comes in as QB coach to help him out, Friend gets retained(gross I know just hang on). And we bring in a new WR coach. Champ comes in as DC and Linebacker coach, Bo Davis takes over the D line and Ansley focuses on safties while Pruitt takes corners, thoughts?
LOL. Why the hell would Bobo, who has a great deal more experience than Tee, come in as a QB coach with Tee at Offensive Coordinator? Has Bobo experienced a recent stroke or massive blow to the head that leaves him with zero memory?
Another good show on prime we just finished, and y’all with kids will appreciate this. They made an adult version of Teen Titans Go.
It’s called Titans, season 2 was just realeased. Pretty badass.
LOL. Why the hell would Bobo, who has a great deal more experience than Tee, come in as a QB coach with Tee at Offensive Coordinator? Has Bobo experienced a recent stroke or massive blow to the head that leaves him with zero memory?
Well, right now he has no job. So if he wants to coach that could be his only option if he wanted to ya know, provide for his family.
So several insiders have posted tomorrow's game had no impact on Pruitt's job security and others have said the opposite. I look at it like Kevin Steele's Clemson D getting roasted by WVU a decade ago. We go out look anemic on offense and inept on D against a poor man's Dobbs, then thats enough of a referendum on Pruitt.

Funny how things happen...if Hamilton doesn’t freak out and tell Dooley no on Steele being his DC then Dooley may not have been fired as it’s been made clear by their success now that his coaching staff was pretty dang solid outside of Sunseri as DC
Funny how things happen...if Hamilton doesn’t freak out and tell Dooley no on Steele being his DC then Dooley may not have been fired as it’s been made clear by their success now that his coaching staff was pretty dang solid outside of Sunseri as DC
Sunseri is a bad word around here
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