Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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They won’t fire Boyd for taking a swing.[/QUOTE
He won't take a swing on Freeze.
Boyd is close with the Haslams. That’s the reason he’s there (not to say he didn’t deserve the job). He’s also a multi-millionaire businessman, not a no talent academic hack that can’t function in the real world like most university presidents are. If he gets fired for some reason, he’ll go back to being incredibly successful in business. I doubt he’s worried about getting fired.
Amazing anything I have ordered via UPS has gotten here trouble free all month. Anything USPS has been a joke. I guess they are like UT football and the only ones affected by COVID
I bought a product on Ebay and tracking showed the package had arrived , at a location in Texas, and later that same day it listed the package in Indiana. No movement in 10 days and I live in Texas. USPS at it's finest :):)
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I thought bobo was staying at sc? People laugh but dude is a really good OC. He can’t help he was left with a can of salmon to work with on offense. Somehow he still had decent success. He is a top recruiter as well. I don’t want a change at OC. You can’t change OC in a year where it’s all riding. You let Chaney coach his own guys for once and get out of his way. Chaney didn’t forget how to call plays
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Latest VQ poster rumor...

“Unless something drastic happens, and Tennessee wins on Saturday, Pruitt is out. He wants out. Looks like some "young money" has come in to cover up Fulmer's mistake. Pruitt was not going to get fired at the taxpayer's expense. Younger boosters want Hugh Freeze, and older money wants Billy Napier.”
Some young, FU money. Me likey.
Funny how things happen...if Hamilton doesn’t freak out and tell Dooley no on Steele being his DC then Dooley may not have been fired as it’s been made clear by their success now that his coaching staff was pretty dang solid outside of Sunseri as DC

This is why we are cursed. A series of unplanned events leads to Bama hiring Saban, Kiffin bolting for USC, Shianogate, and so on.
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He’s done a tremendous job as president. If it doesn’t work out? Oh well.
Right. I feel like he’s earned that in a way. But i do think it’s best for our university and any future coach to have Fulmer in place as AD Bc he will favor Football over pretty much anything and he can point to the Pruitt era and confidently show any candidate that he gave this staff any and everything they could have possibly needed to succeed.
Didn't say he would be a "no." He would have strong headwinds. Boyd could override dissenters, but that would set up internal problems, unless other moves are made.

IDK how far down the list they would be willing to go. Anybody watching the other higher-profile coaching searches can see the aim high and settle strategy in play.
They have to settle because nobody is interested. Freeze is interested.
This is why we are cursed. A series of unplanned events leads to Bama hiring Saban, Kiffin bolting for USC, Shianogate, and so on.
Cursed with bad judgment from those in charge. Hindsight is 20/20 but Dooley never should’ve been hired. He was a panic hire and basically everything from there is what caused us to be where we are.
Is this UT's pivotal point? Do they continue on the merry go round or do they get bold and go hire their "Nick Saban" like Bama did.
Right. I feel like he’s earned that in a way. But i do think it’s best for our university and any future coach to have Fulmer in place as AD Bc he will favor Football over pretty much anything and he can point to the Pruitt era and confidently show any candidate that he gave this staff any and everything they could have possibly needed to succeed.
Fulmer needs to act more like Doug Dickey.

Only without totally ignoring basketball like Dickey did.
Right. I feel like he’s earned that in a way. But i do think it’s best for our university and any future coach to have Fulmer in place as AD Bc he will favor Football over pretty much anything and he can point to the Pruitt era and confidently show any candidate that he gave this staff any and everything they could have possibly needed to succeed.
Sure. Could see former letterman Mark Ingram having the same priorities tho.
Fulmer needs to act more like Doug Dickey.

Only without totally ignoring basketball like Dickey did.
I think he does really. I mean yea he probably gets annoying sometimes to coaches if he’s roaming around practice or wanting to sit in on film sessions and stuff but you will gladly take that over an AD that doesn’t give you stuff.
Hardy Boys on Hulu was very good

Don't toy with me!
I was obsessed with those books as a kid. So much so that when I was 7 I tired to run away after my parents tried to discipline me. They caught me leaving and found my backpack was 100% stuffed with Hardy Boy books.
I promise my survival skills have improved vastly since then.

So, I'm going to ask again... Is Hardy Boys on Hulu actually good?
Thank you for your response. I hope you know I value your opinion and insight as much as anyone on this board. I look forward to having a cold beverage with you one day, hopefully in the not so distant future.

Clarification, if you don't mind...... Are you saying Freeze is divisive or are you saying hiring freeze would be divisive? If it's the prior, does UT have a history with him or is it by reputation?

I appreciate that. Yes, definitely-- next time I'm in Knoxville. Probably be a while before I get back, though.

Freeze would be divisive because certain people don't want him at UT. Pruitt has created all sorts of conflict. The guy's a magnet for it-- and he seems clueless as to why it follows him around. So if the goal is to remove the existing conflict, replacing it with more conflict isn't the solution UT would prefer. But Boyd has the authority to override others and make the calls he feels are right for the university and athletics. I'll say this, though-- if UT was absolutely committed to going in a different direction and had no doubt Freeze was the guy, the deal would be done.
I think he does really. I mean yea he probably gets annoying sometimes to coaches if he’s roaming around practice or wanting to sit in on film sessions and stuff but you will gladly take that over an AD that doesn’t give you stuff.
Yeah, but Dickey was adamant about the importance of winning.
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I think he does really. I mean yea he probably gets annoying sometimes to coaches if he’s roaming around practice or wanting to sit in on film sessions and stuff but you will gladly take that over an AD that doesn’t give you stuff.
Not sure why every AD doesn't heavily favor Football when it covers the costs of basically every other sport on their campus.
Don't toy with me!
I was obsessed with those books as a kid. So much so that when I was 7 I tired to run away after my parents tried to discipline me. They caught me leaving and found my backpack was 100% stuffed with Hardy Boy books.
I promise my survival skills have improved vastly since then.

So, I'm going to ask again... Is Hardy Boys on Hulu actually good?
Yes. I really enjoyed it
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