Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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Just about every state had strict guidelines in May,June and July. Another excuse. Now you can tell me how other teams managed

I mean, I’ve not researched it, but I just remember the VQ guys repeatedly bringing up how frustrated our staff was with the Knox country rules regarding quarantine and how other SEC schools didn’t have the same restrictive rules in place.

I don’t care to argue it. It was just a point they brought up more than once.
I know the following may be too rational, and it will certainly be shot down by the “no excuses” crowd, but it’s quite possible there is a REASON this Covid offseason was worse on Pruitt than others...

1. We all knew he lacked HC experience and was in the middle of a steep learning curve. He is still learning / establishing how he wants his offseason program to flow. Throw in the chaotic uncertainty of Covid and you have a guy who doesn’t even have established patterns yet as a HC, it’s no surprise that he was less adept at handling this offseason than other, more experienced HCs.

2. Even if it is because he has been tough to work with, he had multiple new staff members this offseason. No real time for the group to gel and learn to work together. And just remember, we were all on here lauding Pruitt’s decision to let some of the older staff go and replace them with younger staff, because, you know, those older guys “hated recruiting”.

Just saying...
It’s not necessarily an “excuse”, but I understand that is entirely too nuanced for some on here to embrace or comprehend.
Yeah I think that’s one of the reasons it was brought up fairly recently that it wasn’t Fulmer, but Boyd and donors that were able to retain Barnes. I actually have more faith in Boyd than Fulmer when it comes to the business/administrative side.
I’ve thought all along that Boyd knows what he’s doing from a business perspective. You don’t become as successful as he is without either inheriting your wealth or being really good at your job.

I don’t think he was born on 3rd base thinking he’d hit a home run.
I'm not arguing for retaining him. I think he needs to go, but I would love to see him turn it around..but that is impossible at this point. Once things get this toxic there is no saving it IMO.

Basically my stance.

I’d love to replace him with an innovative offensive guy.

I just never truly believed we would, or believed all the hughmors. All the fake insider crap. Fooled me on the Gruden thing and I’ve learned my lesson. 😂

Ultimately I love this team and can’t quit it if I wanted to. Or at least it’d be ridiculously hard (twss).

I’m at the point where I’m resigned to the notion he’s coming back, and trying to find positives. I doubt he can turn it around. Especially if we keep Chaney.

But I’m gonna be a homer all offseason hoping we can find a way.
Are we really in here talking **** about Mullen? Would love to be where Florida is right now. Meanwhile, we are getting boat raced at home by Kentucky.

Stupid isn’t it? It’s like the TN fans who talk about Smart. Yeah it must suck only winning 10-11 games a year, winning conference titles and playing in big time bowls.
Ah whatevs
I’m gonna go run and enjoy my day off
Advice, Be nice to health care providers
We’ve been front line through all of this ****
I'm right there with you. Another reason, we wouldn't say your last sentence either. Have a good day off.
Agreed. I am not holding out much hope he will turn it around. His mismanagement of the QBs has set us back.
HB and Shrout lost valuable game reps while he coddled JG.
The hatred of Pruitt begins and ends with JG imo. The disgust and frustration with JGs play just got projected on to Pruitt and then got magnified...and that is all his own fault.
Yeah I think that’s one of the reasons it was brought up fairly recently that it wasn’t Fulmer, but Boyd and donors that were able to retain Barnes. I actually have more faith in Boyd than Fulmer when it comes to the business/administrative side.
And when the money invested was being lambasted by many, it was considered Fulmer’s Folly. Success has a thousand fathers.
Stupid isn’t it? It’s like the TN fans who talk about Smart. Yeah it must suck only winning 10-11 games a year, winning conference titles and playing in big time bowls.
No, it is not stupid. It is making fun of our rivals. You know, because they are our rivals. There is never not a good time to make fun of them. It is especially fun when they get run by five scores and have 55 hung on them while giving up almost 700 yards of offense.
Just about every state had strict guidelines in May,June and July. Another excuse. Now you can tell me how other teams managed

Yea, it’s not really something that matters at this point, but they weren’t practicing in May, June, or July. It was August and September. I would venture to guess they were different contact tracing requirements in different locations.
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