Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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50 pages behind for the 13th day in a row so I need y'all to give me some cliff notes

Suck it up and grind it out. Quit looking for someone to hand it to you on a platter. Either pick up your pace (yes, from me and that’s hypocritical) or jump ahead and deal with knowing that you missed the posts that are essentially variations on the recurring theme of Freeze/Pruitt/Fulmer/I’m done/Dog pictures...
I posted in here yesterday that recruits are sending AP screenshots of things posted on VQ forums. A poster on there today who has hunted with Ty Simpson for the last several days as confirmed by AP, posted in there today that Kirby Smart is sending the recruits screen shots. So to answer your question from yesterday @HankHill , Kirby is the one sending the recruits those VQ posts. At least he’s one of them. What a punk
Of course I'm not a recruit, but IMO, that makes Kirby look worse. It exposes him for the b!tch he really is.
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I'm saying it needs to die to become reborn again. Nothing else is working. As in everyone needs replaced. Phil and Pruitt have to go in order to be reborn. Until then it's going to be status quo.

Yep. Life cycle of all things. It has to die so the seeds can be planted to grow again.
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Was not a good look? Guy has over 700 wins which is in the top 30 all time if he felt he was getting undervalued then he has every right to get more money. F Fulmer he would rather give more money and extensions to 3-7 coaches
Bull sh^t---his recruiting was nothing and our fans were ready to let him go to UCLA. You were probably at the head of the line. Once his recruiting picked up, everyone jumped on the band wagon. Again, you were probably the first one.
It all starts with the coaches and the product they put out on the field. If the coaches are upset that recruits are getting screen shots of message board posts, well, they only have themselves to blame. As for BRA feeling the need to mention these things - and thereby insinuating that fans are part of the problem - well they need to pull their heads out of their asses. This fanbase has been through the damn ringer. There’s nothing I hate more than people blaming the fans (not saying you are, just speaking generally here). The only thing the fans control is the money they give to the program. Keep blaming the fans for things. I bet that will work out great in the long run.
Hating it, doesn't mean it's not true.

Social media in all its forms are now a mainstem form of communication, and to think it's not used as a tool is naive.

Don't disagree about the product on the field etc... But if I'm gonna recruit against someone... Better believe I'm using whatever dirt I can find anywhere I can find it.

Doesn't surprise me one bit guys like Kirby would do that.
Oh I forgot that you still use a flip phone, old man.
Do y’all live in a bubble? Do y’all really think our fanbase’s social media content is unique?

Do we have a large footprint? Sure. Does it work against us sometimes? Sure - when we suck! But it works in our favor more than it doesn’t and when we have a solid product to promote it works as a massive positive feedback loop (exhibit A: our spring to August covid recruiting).

Mullen went to the SECCG and the Cotton Bowl. Lost both. Finished 8-4 and some idiots on the Florida boards are straight calling him a faggøt and ready to move on.

We are not unique in our negativity. It is simply our administration which is unique. Unique in its extremely high level of incompetence.
Kirby is the king of negative recruiting. It is know.
If someone showed some players message board talk, they would literally laugh and say who gives a s***. I know he is the king of negative recruiting but that is least of our worries with negative message board talk. Kids care about NFL and winning. That’s what is killing us.
Do y’all live in a bubble? Do y’all really think our fanbase’s social media content is unique?

Do we have a large footprint? Sure. Does it work against us sometimes? Sure - when we suck! But it works in our favor more than it doesn’t and when we have a solid product to promote it works as a massive positive feedback loop (exhibit A: our spring to August covid recruiting).

Mullen went to the SECCG and the Cotton Bowl. Lost both. Finished 8-4 and some idiots on the Florida boards are straight calling him a faggøt and ready to move on.

We are not unique in our negativity. It is simply our administration which is unique. Unique in its extremely high level of incompetence.
No we are not. Agreed.

It's the sum of the parts in most cases. Not just one thing.

Toxicity is just something else to throw on the pile with the other stuff...

At some point... It all adds up.
I keep going back to the first season. If he reviewed film on JG with Botch, he had to know JG wasn't much. Helton brings in Shrout. Jeremy had a free pass to do and use whoever he wanted. He throws in with the QB that helped tank the previous HC's season/career instead of going with the recruit of his newly hired OC. That was the first indication to me that we had a problem. Kept waiting for Jeremy to get it, he never did. Thought for sure JG did enough to show he wasn't it. Not enough for Jeremy. Helton may have never left to take the WKU job had Jeremy made a better decision. Helton may have waited to take a better HC job after proving himself at UT. So he and all of the assistants have been impacted as well by Jeremy's decisions.

IMO, Jeremy read the room. He went with who Botch's boys wanted to be the QB. Jeremy wanted to have their support in what he wanted to do. Bad decision. Role reversal management/leadership never works out well.
Pruitt would have never played Bailey once if it was his decision is all I’ll say. It took numerous people to finally get him to move on. But the fans hated him by then and it was too late. If he had moved on after Kentucky, the heat would be half of what it is right now.
Oh will I survive?!?!?

nobody believes that when you weaklings say that. If it were true you would not feel the need to tell us how much you don’t care. If you could ignore me then you would not have felt the need to respond in the first place.

View attachment 335195

Usually a good poster but your being a little moranic today
If someone showed some players message board talk, they would literally laugh and say who gives a s***. I know he is the king of negative recruiting but that is least of our worries with negative message board talk. Kids care about NFL and winning. That’s what is killing us.
In theory that all sounds good but the reality is that they do care what fans think. All you have to do is look at our current players and their inability to stop searching their own names and getting into back and forth a with fans on Twitter. Recruits see it all and it absolutely goes into some of their decisions. We like to think they don’t care but they do.
3 Star recruit: "Man, did you see all that negativity on the Vols message board. Don't think I want to be a part of that."

5 Star recruit: "I get where you're coming from, but those folks are passionate about their football and want their team to be the very best. I want to be the very best. I want to be a Vol."
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Alabama basically didn’t quarantine players until the season started. Don’t even think they tested them until then. Georgia same thing. Even if there were guidelines in place, those schools didn’t follow them and the county health dept. in those areas turned a blind eye to it. Clearly was not the case in Knox Co. where we had a ton of lineman Miss 42+ days due to contact tracing. I don’t care who you are, you miss that many days it’s gonna effect your play
In June they had 5 players test positive before
Alabama football team has ‘at least’ 5 players test positive for coronavirus after players return to campus (report)
So by Hubbs and co’s logic we should be happy with getting blown out by the likes of Arkansas and Kentucky and only winning 3 games... Now pay $9.99

It’s unbelievable. Listening to their podcast and talking about how fans expect instant gratification. No, we expect not to be blown out in every loss and to actually be competitive. I’m sorry, but if the team was competitive and even finished 5-5 there wouldn’t be a major uproar. Tennessee is lucky Vandy was really low on players or that could have been a loss.
3 Star recruit: "Man, did you see all that negativity on the Vols message board. Don't think I want to be a part of that."

5 Star recruit: "I get where you're coming from, but those folks are passionate about their football and want their team to be the very best. I want to be the very best. I want to be a Vol."
It’s unbelievable. Listening to their podcast and talking about how fans expect instant gratification. No, we expect not to be blown out in every loss and to actually be competitive. I’m sorry, but if the team was competitive and even finished 5-5 there wouldn’t be a major uproar. Tennessee is lucky Vandy was really low on players or that could have been a loss.

If 5-5 nearly everybody on here would be meh, yet happy to see HB or Salter as the new QB for an entire season in 2021. They would be hoping Chaney could coach them up, Jeremy could find a strong D-line coach, and that the recruiting class would be filled with game changers.

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