Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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Major (pun intended) difference is CJM had a track history of turning around programs at ISU and Pitt as well as the little fact of a National Championship. Pruitt has none of this and trying to compare the two is moronic (IMO)
Johnny also brought in something like an 80 person recruiting class is first year at Pitt to help set up the national championship run.... those were the days.
ugh. no power lines, plenty of flat land! niiiice. no one around?

Is that near reservoir?
We put power in the ground (hit granite so 15k instead of 4K. Water is in also between my sons and I we have 40 acres and will eventually have 4 houses on it. Neibors on both sides are on 45. Plus only 1 mile off highway. Down town Chattanooga is 35 minutes.
I’m blessed to have found it before the prices shot through the roof.
edit: it’s got a four acre pond too
I've been on here a lot the past 3-4 weeks and we've went from vetting potential coaches to accepting that JP is back next season, in the past few days. Maybe I missed it but is the investigation over with and is Pruitt 100% back? Has he begun interviewing assistant coaches? Or, are we just pushing the storyline along until next week?
If he wins 6 games next year he isn’t going anywhere. They aren’t firing him with the new assistant coach contracts for at least 2 years. 6 games and he is safe IMO. Personally, I don’t care who the coach is, I’m cheering for anyone to win. I hope the guy turns the corner next year and oddly enough I think he will.

I say this with a lot of respect to all my RF friends but Fulmer, Pruitt and the other coaches have forgotten more about football than we know. I’m rolling with their decision to know what the best move is for the university under our current circumstances.
They are professional coaches. Same could be said about Dooley and Jones.
That’s the right attitude to have when they get hired. But when the results of 3 years contradict that then it’s time to rethink your stance.
We put power in the ground (hit granite so 15k instead of 4K. Water is in also between my sons and I we have 40 acres and will eventually have 4 houses on it. Neibors on both sides are on 45. Plus only 1 mile off highway. Down town Chattanooga is 35 minutes.
I’m blessed to have found it before the prices shot through the roof.
edit: it’s got a four acre pond too
wow. that's awesome. like that moustached dude on Discovery.
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NC's Senator was friends, I believe with Gov or power dealers in NC in 30's 40's. That's how during reclamation post depression, NC fenagled the BRP. Literally I think there's one place it dips into TN. Supposed to be an FU from them for dissolving SOF.

Beersheba may have a bit more CW history looks like but yes I get the comparisons.

Hot Springs is right in French Broad. As a fly fisherman. Couldnt ask for better. That's where my Avi photo was taken.
Beersheba was more of a mountain retreat to get away from the hot summers in Nashville with beautiful scenery along with the hot springs.
Didn't Johnny Majors pretty much overhaul his staff two or three times? Of course that was over thirteen years, but we would have hated and fired him loooooong before he got the program turned around after the long dark 70s...we would not have given him the time it took...but "excuses"

Majors was very hard on his players and his staff. He would have a harder time now with the soft culture that prevails our society presently. He did have great turnover and still found success. I hope Pruitt finds a way as well. The other issue with Pruitt is he is not a favorite son like Majors. Majors was still a very engaging personality and fans loved him even when he did struggle because he was Johnny Majors and a Tennessee boy in all ways from birth to playing career. Pruitt has NONE of that equity and acts worse when it comes to handling things a coach has to which is off the field. He even has issues with guys he has had relationships with. Pruitt has got to grow up and grow up as a coach and a person quickly.

I do not like him personally and it is very clear and the story has been told before. But, I also have said we NEED him to make it and I would judge him by what happens on the field. I was ok with what seemed to be happening and then this year. After GA State and BYU, it was awful but he turned it around enough for some hope. Then this year regardless of the obstacles, he handled things horribly. Covid had some things to do with it with young players being the bulk of the talent and no S&C and such as has been discussed. However, things not related to Covid, specifically the coaching staff and his management of such is worse than anything I have ever seen. That and on field results correlate as well. He has to show some tremendous progress. It starts with having good coaches as position coaches to develop these guys and for him to let them do their dang job. He needs Tosh and Davis right now as a start to see if he can get recruit the coaches who could help him turn this around.

I still think he should be fired and that won't change but we need him to now turn it around and have success. If not, we may have another 3-5 years to be able to see anything worth a darn anyway. Just be glad we have basketball for now.
Yeah it is....... no one just wants to listen to it or try to understand it..... I went into this season thinking it was a through away season due to our ridiculous contact tracing we were doing preseason..... Pruitt was pissed about it and I don’t blame him..... whether it was fair or not...... by end of the season I was ready to move on bc of his handling of the qbs( of course not sure if this season was his fault)...... the investigation( that is looking more and more like a big nothing burger)..... and all the negativity in the program right now.....Since I am pretty sure they are keeping..... I am ready to pretend 2020 didn’t exist and support him as much as possible to get this program back on track.

Speaking as a season ticket holder for more than 40 years when I lived in Atlanta (X4), and now my son has them (UT graduate), I will readily admit that I don't like JP as a person, but I will always support Our VOLS, whoever is coach. I also would like to pretend that 2020 didn't exist, but it does and that speaks for itself. If Pruitt can turn this program around, I'm all in, but I truly feel that we will never see our rightful place in the SEC, and that is competing for championships, as long as he is coach and until we are willing to PAY for that championship caliber coach. If I am wrong, I will eat crow, but I'll be happy when we once again are kicking butt instead of getting our butts kicked. GOVOLS!!!!
Kennedy sucks. Cooper is an upgrade. Mays is coming back and still have Carvin, Wright, and Morris. We’ll have a better OL coach than we’ve had.

palmer was good but JG sucked. Hyatt and Jones are both better than him and will be the top 2. We’ll certainly be more talented and athletic than BJ at the other spot with Wideman, Holiday, or Calloway.
I keep thinking you are joking. I don't think any of this is true except the part about Brandon Johnson and JG.
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