Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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Day 2 of 2021. Jeremy or not to Jeremy, that is the question. We are so far behind the 8 ball in comparison to other top programs it really doesn't matter at this point. They have no intention of going for it or it would have already happened.

TL and JF will probably run different style O's in the NFL. OSU's is probably closer to that style. They may both be successful. The one that can read coverages, D schemes, and processes what he sees the quickest will be the one who is most successful. Neither will be going to teams with dominant O-lines. Toss-up in my book. Like them both. Like the Wilson kid at BYU a lot as well.

Some of the worst officiating for playoff games ever. No rules cage fighting matches comes to mind.

OSU - in that state you go there if you are an elite player unless you have family ties somewhere else or the depth chart is just too deep. Football state like Georgia, Texas, Florida, etc. So what we hope to achieve in TN of 7 or 8 strong HS players a year, they get 15-20 every year and cherry pick other places for the rest. Ohio is nearly double the population of TN. The transfer rule will keep them on top because their depth is so strong. Since the B10 does not recognize O-line holding as an infraction (jk - maybe) - they use the big maulers there. They clearly had the advantage with the short schedule and lack of injuries going into that game.
We need a QB. If Salter or Bailey is the dude we will make up ground quick. Hopefully we make some good staff improvements who can actually develop these players that we have. We have young talent on this team. I stand by that '20 class, it was loaded.
I was there. I was a senior at UT- Superdome was painted Orange and about the second loudest game I have ever attended. The loudest was UT-FL in 1998 at Neyland.
I was at that game also and it was a great game. The one thing that I remember from Bourbon Street that night was a guy dressed in a tux, with tails and a top hat, that was orange and white from head to toe. That sounds like it might look bad but it was really a good look on him. I've never seen anyone in an orange tux since :):)
Day 2 of 2021. Jeremy or not to Jeremy, that is the question. We are so far behind the 8 ball in comparison to other top programs it really doesn't matter at this point. They have no intention of going for it or it would have already happened.

TL and JF will probably run different style O's in the NFL. OSU's is probably closer to that style. They may both be successful. The one that can read coverages, D schemes, and processes what he sees the quickest will be the one who is most successful. Neither will be going to teams with dominant O-lines. Toss-up in my book. Like them both. Like the Wilson kid at BYU a lot as well.

Some of the worst officiating for playoff games ever. No rules cage fighting matches comes to mind.

OSU - in that state you go there if you are an elite player unless you have family ties somewhere else or the depth chart is just too deep. Football state like Georgia, Texas, Florida, etc. So what we hope to achieve in TN of 7 or 8 strong HS players a year, they get 15-20 every year and cherry pick other places for the rest. Ohio is nearly double the population of TN. The transfer rule will keep them on top because their depth is so strong. Since the B10 does not recognize O-line holding as an infraction (jk - maybe) - they use the big maulers there. They clearly had the advantage with the short schedule and lack of injuries going into that game.

Dating back to the 2016 class, the most players they’ve taken from the state of Ohio is 9 and that was in 2016. One other year they had 8. Every other year has been 5-6.
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Yet he thinks he can “develop “ Pruitt into one!
In Phil’s defense..... coaching tree guys typically move up to coordinator and then on to head coaches...... Phil only had Chavis, Cutcliffe,Sanders, and Clawson during his time here.
I can’t wait for Saban to retire and Bama to come back to earth. So obnoxious. Their “fans” have no idea man.
Do you really think the brain trust, who controls Bama, will ever let their football team fall from grace? The culture is set and I doubt the powers that be will let that change.
We need a QB. If Salter or Bailey is the dude we will make up ground quick. Hopefully we make some good staff improvements who can actually develop these players that we have. We have young talent on this team. I stand by that '20 class, it was loaded.
I think we can make huge strides as well..... if Maurer stays, I really hope we don’t bring in a QB.... I don’t want any controversy..... develop bailey as much as possible and roll with him..... get salter ready if bailey ends up failing.... Maurer as our emergency QB.
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I think we can make huge strides as well..... if Maurer stays, I really hope we don’t bring in a QB.... I don’t want any controversy..... develop bailey as much as possible and roll with him..... get salter ready if bailey ends up failing.... Maurer as our emergency QB.

Yeah. Bailey should be runaway starter going into camp. Maurer should have his own packages like Emory Jones at Florida.
Yup I'm sick of these "It'S tHe BoOsTeRS" and it's the fans and it's the admin excuses when basketball is doing great. Baseball is on the up and up. On the way to reviving WBB. But apparently in football it's the boosters and admin not developing players, trotting an archaic offense out onto the field, can't coach how to defend a slant, etc...

Settle down Devo---I think you need a snickers
The play designs for these offenses are making me hate our offense even more. Both sides just scheming dudes open all day long like it’s no big deal
All game long, Bama ran a guy in wide motion to the right and had the defense moving with the motion, then ran a slant going the opposite direction for tons of yardage. I would love to see something like that from us.
“Coaching” Bass....

Pruitt is holding us back.

That’s why next year won’t magically become an 8-9 win season.
An elite QB makes up ground. The intern would've never made a bowl game without Dobbs. A full offseason and a legit QB can easily win 8 games next year. Our schedule isn't that difficult. He won 8 games in 2019 with freaking guarantano, and that was after dropping two ridiculous games to GSU and BYU. It is really a stupid take to think he can't win 8 games this year with better QB play.
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