Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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Here is some food for thought, ESPN could be the major cause of the down fall of college sports. They at one time (and still do today to some extent) have controlled the narrative of sports "politics" and in many ways have influenced the National Champions by specific team coverage and Heisman voting by voter influence and could be considered the cause of what is wrong with college sports today. I know this is far fetched in many ways but if you trace it on back it kinds makes you think.
Some people are one.
I still love college football, even though we know who will be in the playoffs. It's still a great game and I enjoy watching because all those games people are saying are meaningless are not meaningless to the players. It's still one of the best sports there is.
Yup. Every time I decide I'll just boycott the playoffs and all the Bamas of the world...I still watch. It's too ingrained in me at this point.
Saw earlier where the SEC is voting on intraconference transfers tomorrow.

I'm scared of what might be to come with the crazy amount of tampering already going on. Allow it in-conference and things will be absolutely nuts. No matter who is runner-up or 3rd place for a kid out of high school among rivals, they'll be using intermediaries to "re-recruit" kids mere weeks into their freshman season. Getting in their ear about how they're being misused, not playing enough, etc, and should transfer.

It's going to be so sketchy around the league and we'll just be sitting here like choirboys with the NCAA snooping around. Hard pass.
Saw earlier where the SEC is voting on intraconference transfers tomorrow.

I'm scared of what might be to come with the crazy amount of tampering already going on. Allow it in-conference and things will be absolutely nuts. No matter who is runner-up or 3rd place for a kid out of high school among rivals, they'll be using intermediaries to "re-recruit" kids mere weeks into their freshman season. Getting in their ear about how they're being misused, not playing enough, etc, and should transfer.

It's going to be so sketchy around the league and we'll just be sitting here like choirboys with the NCAA snooping around. Hard pass.

We’re so far behind as it is. We’re Orange Missouri until we’re not. 😞

Edit: I scrolled past this post and was like who’s this chump.
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Saw earlier where the SEC is voting on intraconference transfers tomorrow.

I'm scared of what might be to come with the crazy amount of tampering already going on. Allow it in-conference and things will be absolutely nuts. No matter who is runner-up or 3rd place for a kid out of high school among rivals, they'll be using intermediaries to "re-recruit" kids mere weeks into their freshman season. Getting in their ear about how they're being misused, not playing enough, etc, and should transfer.

It's going to be so sketchy around the league and we'll just be sitting here like choirboys with the NCAA snooping around. Hard pass.
It’s going to pass. But I agree. The transfer portal is going to be a disaster.
Saw earlier where the SEC is voting on intraconference transfers tomorrow.

I'm scared of what might be to come with the crazy amount of tampering already going on. Allow it in-conference and things will be absolutely nuts. No matter who is runner-up or 3rd place for a kid out of high school among rivals, they'll be using intermediaries to "re-recruit" kids mere weeks into their freshman season. Getting in their ear about how they're being misused, not playing enough, etc, and should transfer.

It's going to be so sketchy around the league and we'll just be sitting here like choirboys with the NCAA snooping around. Hard pass.
Not sure I'm against that when you consider it's much more likely that will be happening to the teams ahead of us. Who's gonna have the talented freshmen that can't get on the field? Bama, UGA, and Florida are the most likely candidates. Now we just have to hope the new staff knows how to bend rules without being caught.
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Saw earlier where the SEC is voting on intraconference transfers tomorrow.

I'm scared of what might be to come with the crazy amount of tampering already going on. Allow it in-conference and things will be absolutely nuts. No matter who is runner-up or 3rd place for a kid out of high school among rivals, they'll be using intermediaries to "re-recruit" kids mere weeks into their freshman season. Getting in their ear about how they're being misused, not playing enough, etc, and should transfer.

It's going to be so sketchy around the league and we'll just be sitting here like choirboys with the NCAA snooping around. Hard pass.
there are so many other sports.
Saw earlier where the SEC is voting on intraconference transfers tomorrow.

I'm scared of what might be to come with the crazy amount of tampering already going on. Allow it in-conference and things will be absolutely nuts. No matter who is runner-up or 3rd place for a kid out of high school among rivals, they'll be using intermediaries to "re-recruit" kids mere weeks into their freshman season. Getting in their ear about how they're being misused, not playing enough, etc, and should transfer.

It's going to be so sketchy around the league and we'll just be sitting here like choirboys with the NCAA snooping around. Hard pass.

I’m fine with the 1 time transfer rule just don’t think it should be allowed in conference
It’s going to pass. But I agree. The transfer portal is going to be a disaster.
This could truly be the beginning of the end of amateur college sports as we know it. I am not a gloom and doomer but when you slowly erode the fan bases of many colleges that do not compete for titles you are eroding your biggest group of fans you have. Watching a team become less competitive will eventually lead to less money, reduced facilities and eventually ending of programs. Good or bad the NCAA will have to fold and major schools will form their on leagues. We have no idea what the landscape will look like and who will survive and how. Remember that many of the top schools are State Schools and how will the monies and players be addressed in a Semi Pro type league......we don't know but many of us will find out much sooner than we want or think. The NIL, potential Player Unions, all these are real and I believe are just ahead.
If we have freshman or sophomores who can’t see the field at Tennessee how do you expect them to transfer and play at a school like bama, Georgia, or Florida…that makes no sense. This new rule would even the playing field for us not schools that are already good. Juniors and seniors usually stay put if they are playing
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