Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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Late to the party on this bc I don’t keep up with this thread that much, but Skyline Chili is probably the most overrated food in the country along with In and Out. I’ve never understood the fascination with those places.
I had In and Out when I was just in Cali...I get it now..those burgers are the shiz...I loved them when I was fully expecting to be disappointed.
Georgia has Bama 2nd and 22 or 23 in OT and is in a Coverage they use sparingly and have few game reps and the Safety gets confused.
Georgia has Bama on the ropes the next year and inserts Fields into Punt Formation. I, along with millions of other viewers were yelling fake at the TV before the ball was snapped.

All the talent in the world. A coach and coaching staff who have yet to prove they can handle the big stage.
I predict based on nothing more than past history they will lose to either UT, Kentucky, or Mizzou this year.

I choose Tennessee as the “unexpected “ upset.
If we have freshman or sophomores who can’t see the field at Tennessee how do you expect them to transfer and play at a school like bama, Georgia, or Florida…that makes no sense. This new rule would even the playing field for us not schools that are already good. Juniors and seniors usually stay put if they are playing

Let’s see what happens with To’o To’o at bama. I will bet ST stalwart and will only see the field as a way backup in blowouts…Nick will have to play him some or it’s a huge recruiting point for other schools. Not that bama cares. They just up the transfer bonus since no one will check.
This could truly be the beginning of the end of amateur college sports as we know it. I am not a gloom and doomer but when you slowly erode the fan bases of many colleges that do not compete for titles you are eroding your biggest group of fans you have. Watching a team become less competitive will eventually lead to less money, reduced facilities and eventually ending of programs. Good or bad the NCAA will have to fold and major schools will form their on leagues. We have no idea what the landscape will look like and who will survive and how. Remember that many of the top schools are State Schools and how will the monies and players be addressed in a Semi Pro type league......we don't know but many of us will find out much sooner than we want or think. The NIL, potential Player Unions, all these are real and I believe are just ahead.

That's where I am with it all and have been for some time. Being an old guy, I don't like it all. However, realism says that is where it is trending based on the decisions that are being made by people in authority. The final result will be to diminish what we hold dear to our Vol hearts IMO. The good part will be the NCAA going away. The bad part will be the base of power will be concentrated and make it tougher for everybody else as you stated. The only thing that can bring this, yet another, great reset down is a big reduction of money flow. But I think that when people finally lose interest and stop throwing their money at it, it will be too far gone for anybody to really care IMO. Us older heads will be dying off and replaced by the new wave of fans who just accept pay for play and unions as the way it ought to be.
Here is some food for thought, ESPN could be the major cause of the down fall of college sports. They at one time (and still do today to some extent) have controlled the narrative of sports "politics" and in many ways have influenced the National Champions by specific team coverage and Heisman voting by voter influence and could be considered the cause of what is wrong with college sports today. I know this is far fetched in many ways but if you trace it on back it kinds makes you think.

100%. No doubt in my mind.
On the sports animal, they keep talking about a huge reveal from UT (sounds like sometime today) following up on the NIL teaser video released yesterday. What could it be? Will west says it could be a huge recruiting advantage for us going forward

hopefully a unique way for the name and likeness thing for recruiting
Let’s see what happens with To’o To’o at bama. I will bet ST stalwart and will only see the field as a way backup in blowouts…Nick will have to play him some or it’s a huge recruiting point for other schools. Not that bama cares. They just up the transfer bonus since no one will check.

He doesn't deserve the respect of the ( ') in his name in my opinion. Tutu works just fine for him.
Let’s see what happens with To’o To’o at bama. I will bet ST stalwart and will only see the field as a way backup in blowouts…Nick will have to play him some or it’s a huge recruiting point for other schools. Not that bama cares. They just up the transfer bonus since no one will check.

OK Doc - if you see this. Medical question for you that will not threaten your license. lol.

My wife fractured and dented her knee at the tibia socket in a fall that sent her fibula jamming into it (all layman's terms obviously). Surgically repaired a week ago with bone grafts/screws and the prognosis is good if she does what they say. Still in the surgical bandaging and wrapping with a tight brace. How do we reduce swelling other than elevation? The ice is minimal in value due to the wrapping thickness and they do not want the brace adjusted for obvious reasons. Grin and bear it or do something else? The wrap comes off in a week at her next appointment. Thanks...
On the sports animal, they keep talking about a huge reveal from UT (sounds like sometime today) following up on the NIL teaser video released yesterday. What could it be? Will west says it could be a huge recruiting advantage for us going forward
Official partnership with Altius Sports is my guess
On the sports animal, they keep talking about a huge reveal from UT (sounds like sometime today) following up on the NIL teaser video released yesterday. What could it be? Will west says it could be a huge recruiting advantage for us going forward
Will West usually talks a lot without many facts. He and his cohort think they know more about every sport than everyone else I the business when they are are not that informed. However, I will accept any information that actually assists Tennessee in recruiting, regardless of the sport or source.
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Aren't birds great?
Most if not all D1 football players go to a school for the potential opportunity of exposure in order to play on SUNDAY. Not any of today's recruits remember when UT was really good and Bama sucked. Watching TV and reading social media has a lot to do with the list they chose to pick from. Education is below, coach, friends, media coverage on the whole, potential winning rings and "LOVE" shown by fan base and staff during the recruiting process and sadly in many cases money given to both player, family and don't forget handler and or coach. It's a business and has been for quite a while and when you add in endorsement money in the future it will make it even more impossible to control than it is now and much more money will be involved.
This is not true. The majority of D1 players are there for an education. Many receive multiple degrees and graduate degrees. Most know they will not play in NFL. Some know they will play in NFL. And some are delusional to think they will play in NFL, but majority are there for education.
Late to the party on this bc I don’t keep up with this thread that much, but Skyline Chili is probably the most overrated food in the country along with In and Out. I’ve never understood the fascination with those places.
The absolute worst meal I have ever had was this trash place. Anyone that puts cinnamon in their chili should be flogged. That 🌶 is not 🔥
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