I look at it more like the Bruce Pearl situation. Instead of letting a coach drag you down, you fire his ass and let the NCAA see that once you became aware of the action, you acted. Personally, I hope the NCAA slaps a show cause on Pruitt's ass. As for the "this is the way it is" argument, I'm not sure which set of morons made the decision that firing a coach for cause was taboo, but I think that's ludicrous, A coach should be responsible for what he does. And I don't disagree that everyone cheats, even UT, but hell, JMO, sloppy cheating should be a firing offense. If your sloppy and get caught, you've failed at your job. And if you're going to be sloppy in how you cheat, why compound it by being a prick to people who will rat you out? Whoever it is that came forward to Plowman, how do we know they didn't threaten to take it to the NCAA unless she acted? What then?
Don't get me wrong. I hate how this was handled so publicly, but I'm not going to cry over Pruitt not getting paid for having screwed my university. **** him. He played a huge part in making this mess. You talk about Butch making a mockery of us, what the hell do you think Pruitt did? Then you want to pay him millions on top of that. **** that.