Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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The thing about hiring Butch is that he's a job hopper, and Arkansas St needs a guy who will stay for several years. That's really the only drawback that program has at their level...they can't get head coaches to stay for all that long.

Yeah true, I think Butch is there 2-3 years though. I don't think he'll have the instant success like the other 1 year guys (Gus, Harsin, Freeze) had. Plus I think Major Applewhite took that OC job so he'd be in line to takeover at Arkansas State when Butch did hop. Major may actually stay put too, only job I think he'd hop for is Texas after the way Houston did him dirty.
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The thing about hiring Butch is that he's a job hopper, and Arkansas St needs a guy who will stay for several years. That's really the only drawback that program has at their level...they can't get head coaches to stay for all that long.
Their recruiting really dropped off when Trooper Taylor left to go to Duke. Trooper was there for 4-5 years an really helped recruiting step up its game
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Big difference, Auburn has been looking to get out of the Gus cycle, he’s lost then won big, then lost...
this was their chance.
Auburn however has a coach on their staff who has been doing a stellar job with his unit for years.
So promoting Steele shouldn’t seem bad at all. his defenses have been too 20 nationally every year.
On the flip side, Gus was the offensive guru who has missed on every QB he’s brought in besides Nick Marshall (which was pure luck with his position switch)
No candidate will shy away from Auburn Bc Gus got fired.

money has always been the main motivator for coaches and it remains so. Every new hire has a bigger salary than the previous big hire. Every buy out number is bigger.
key word...winning big...he's done it. and considering where Bama has been for more than a decade, the potential FL has in any given era to be a national factor, and where UGA is, to go along with what LSU has been thru the miles era and thru last season.......sitting at 4th/5th in the pecking order in the SEC really isn't bad.

they just wanted him gone. and have for a while. he would just "save his job" by beating the teams the want to beat down there just sounds stupid. 'crap, we beat Bama, can't fire him now' 'son of a.... i can't believe he beat UGA again....he'll be here next year'


the biggest difference between Auburn and TN is Auburn has a significant case of "little brother" syndrome, and it gets in their way more times than not. and it may work out for them to spend 20 something million in order promote Kevin Steele.

but i would almost guarantee that wasn't the goal.
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Funny you say that, guess where Butch's highest rated (and first recruit as HC) is from?

Collierville, TN
They have had a few from Memphis area, but I have always thought it has been untapped. If he can make inroads it will help him and the school.
That show is off the hook!! I think I read last year it will be a couple of years. 100 funded by tom hardy
That movie he's in as a Boston bartender I think it was. With James Gandolfini. Great movie. And u find out at the end he WAS the killer
LOL, It's my property. I'll do what the hell I want to. Also, I haven't hunted him. If I decided to I could easily hunted him and be over 250 yards away.
Screw that, if u want to harvest an animal on your property do it however u want. Just harvest it in a manner God intended, quick and without wasting any of it
I will break down this signing class for you in three points:

very average overall
the good players are in unimportant positions
the meh players are in important positions

Thanks for reading.

Edit: forgot about Salter, he will be good if another coach is hired.

Is this sarcasm? We have a pretty bad pass rush, and Brooks is in this class. The team has two good but smaller RBs, and Evans is officially in this class. Also, many are high on Cody Brown. We also signed Evans at DT.

He's not currently in the class, but AP stated yesterday that UT is in a good spot to get Lewis back in the class now that Auburn made a coaching change.

I agree that the class is probably average overall, but I cannot agree that the good players are in unimportant positions. You clarified your post about Salter, but LB/DE and RB are quite important for this team moving forwards.
well, i've always said firing is not the issue. it's all about the hiring, which we've sucked at. so, i couldn't care less about deciding to fire pruitt.

the hope, really, is that the program gets fixed....regardless of who the coach is. and while confidence is justifiably low that pruitt can do that, it's not IMpossible that he can't....very improbable based on the 3 year sample size.

so, i want it fixed. if hirinig a new coach is the way we decide to do it, fine w/me...just don't bring me another "8th choice" on the list because we can't get who we want (like the last two searches went...)......

Tennessee is certainly justified if it decides to fire pruitt. no one would argue with that decision. he's done nothing that says "you have to keep him".

but ALLEYES are gonna be on the hire. so you better have a freaking plan, and a guy already basically locked and loaded, all the vetting done, guaging interest, even an offer....all done before you tell JP to pack his bags.

and you do that knowing full well that no matter who that guy is, he is NOT going to make everyone happy, and it's very likely it'll probably make some angry lol.

but if you fire jp, and a week later you're then enlisting the services of a search firm, because the plan, or lack thereof, blew up in your face...again.......................mercy. i don't even wanna think about it. but i would be so embarrassed if we were leveraged again for raises, a la Mike Gundy, and continue to hear the names of the guys that told us "no" or "not interested".

so....the hope is not simply firinig JP, and it seems there are many here that see that as "the answer", and that couldn't be farther from the truth. i don't "want" JP fired. i want to win.....don't care who is on the sidelines, as long as they fix it. If JP is retained, he needs to fix it. if he's not, the next guy needs to fix it.

lss..........FIX IT....that's the hope.
This is slightly amusing. UGA lost a flip Jackson State, although the kid is apparently in love with Deion Sanders.
Locksley has an overall record of 8-42.. I mean, if that's what you want to play for, then go ahead.

Amazing how good a coach looks while working under the recruiting/cheating machine at Bama with Carte Blanche to do what they want and the NCAA put any school showing a threat to your dominance out on probation (OM, LSU).

Put him on his own and he looks really pedestrian.
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Its crazy that huge bucks hang out by things meant to attract them.

Get you a short bow, some shoes, knife, lighter and a backpack. Track him in his element, then you got my respect.

Like fishing with chicken liver.

Fish with a fly...barbless hook. Earn it.
I've been watching this buck for three years. If I wanted to take him I would have shot him from my front porch. I don't feed the deer to attract them to the end of my gun barrel. I feed them to help supplement their diet so the population will be healthier and more abundant. The bonus is I get to see pictures of all kinds of wildlife to include deer, turkey, foxes, coons, coyotes, and all sorts of small game and non-game animals.
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This is slightly amusing. UGA lost a flip Jackson State, although the kid is apparently in love with Deion Sanders.

Deion handing out those free foot longs........

After this class, I like what we will have in most positions except for DB and WR. Need to see a lot of development in those two spots.
i'm not worried about WR. i think we have some talent there. always need more..dont' get me wrong.

at CB, i agree....feel like we have a ton of safeties....or guys that can play nickel....but no true corners that can/could play at the level needed against UGA, BAma, UF and their WR/TE options.
i'm not worried about WR. i think we have some talent there. always need more..dont' get me wrong.

at CB, i agree....feel like we have a ton of safeties....or guys that can play nickel....but no true corners that can/could play at the level needed against UGA, BAma, UF and their WR/TE options.

It's hard to understand why Hyatt hasn't got more chances this season. He is definitely a bright spot. Same with Velus Jones. However, with Palmer gone, there needs to be a lot of players development with Keyton, Tillman, and Wideman. Also, can Velus Jones stay? That would be huge.
Fulmer definitely wanted to hire Steele
The Tennessee thing is this.

1. Auburn hires Steele and goes in to become a powerhouse.
2. Pruitt returns to Bama, takes over in 3 years and carries on like Saban 2.0.
3. Tennessee hires Freeze. Right about the time we think we are back, sanctions hit us and we have to fire him and go on probation
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