Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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I would argue that most of it is fan and media driven. You certainly don’t want your program pulling a Texas. If they are executing a coaching search, at least it is being done discreetly.

It actually speaks well of CJP as a professional. He's being honest about the situation and not running them off for spite.
That is THE issue for me when you have a “defensive X’s and O’s Guru.

All I know is we got some really good athletes at CB/DB and after 3yrs they still look like it's their first game outa high school... So many other schools do much more with less, so this is a pure lack of coaching/development issue.
Tea noob here outside of sleepy time teas.

Is black tea pretty drinkable? Looking for something light and drinkable to replace coffee, but more natural than energy shots. Preferrably with some peripheral health benefits.

Macha green tea has the highest level of L-Theanine of any tea that I'm aware of. It also has a higher caffeine content compared to regular green tea but less than coffee. L-Theanine works synergistically with caffeine as it lessens the edge of caffeine, extending the time, and minimizing the crash. It increases dopamine, serotonin, and GABA to lower anxiety and triggers alpha brainwaves to provide a more calm, focused energy. However, it's also expensive as hell so instead I take L-Theanine capsules along with coffee. The optimal ratio is typically considered to be 2-1 theanine to caffeine. However, green tea does also contain Epigallocatechin gallate which is a powerful antioxidant and is considered to help prevent heart disease, diabetes, and some types of cancer so either drinking it or taking a green tea extract does provide health benefits beyond just L-Theanine.
When not using this combo, I normally try a 2-1 ratio of heroin to meth to take the edge off the meth while still having boundless energy for days and days.
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F this staff it’s Baileys team! Don’t need to bring in a transfer unless their a bench rider!
The more real competition the better. Can really push guys in practice and keep players from getting comfortable. But with this staff they will pick a guy and not work with the others like they did Bailey for the past 10 months.
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It's early signing day, and theoretically, I should be in a good mood, but not even close. Recruiting Christmas has lost its magic.
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