Recruiting Forum Football Talk IV

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What really bothered me is that throwing **** on the field doesn’t only hit Ole Miss. Other fans, our cheerleaders, our band all in the line of fire.

Could have been someone’s son or daughter at their first UT game getting pelted with beer.

That’s what bugs me the most honestly. I get the “why” but the majority of our fans were also quick to condemn rioting behavior but it’s okay now for a damn football game?
Ain’t nobody saying it’s ok. We’re saying we don’t blame them considering the 100 circumstances that created that type of environment. Also, don’t act as if you’ve never done anything wrong at a football game when drunk at 18-22 years old
Nothing good is going to come from this. The criticism and consequences are going to be one-sided, precipitating cause is going to be ignored and UT is going to self-punish. I doubt there will be an internal consensus, but one way or another, it will further stress relationships.

Hey UT Admin:

Ain’t nobody saying it’s ok. We’re saying we don’t blame them considering the 100 circumstances that created that type of environment. Also, don’t act as if you’ve never done anything wrong at a football game when drunk at 18-22 years old

I haven’t…my worst offense even when drunk was accidentally kicking over a soda on a kid. I then gave his mom $20 to buy him another one lol

If boozing effects your sense of judgement so badly don’t drink at sporting events.

Can’t claim Ole Miss & SEC need to be held accountable while also giving the fans a pass cause “haven’t you done stupid stuff when drunk too?”
Warren and half a yard, Tillman and the ball off b
his hands. That’s how close we are. Story of recent Tn history. Sickening
Don't forget the phantom forward progress that never happened since that very same ref ran with our defender into the end zone and called a TD. Absolute BS. Much like the AWFUL Pitt spot, not sure I'll get over that level of total BS.
Hooker is going to be out for a while, my guess is its an ankle injury and I think its a high ankle sprain given the nature of what happened and how he couldn’t put pressure on it
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I did lots of stupid crap at that age. Almost got arrested once for Public Drunkeness. Still never threw **** on the field of play of any sporting event. That's low class.
I mean I never have either and I don’t think what they did is ok by any means but damn consider the factors. They were fired up and had every right to be
why tf do they not have a camera angle that shows the whole playing field. It was basically 4th and goal with no time on the clock and all we get is a zoomed in shot of milton running around. that bugs the piss out of me. was anyone remotely open?
There's no where to put a camera on the money side of the stadium
BOLD PREDICTION: Milton starts first half of bama game, does so bad we have to put HB15 in and he does good enough to assume starting position during bye week and until Hooker is healthy
btw, can Maurer pull his name from the portal and rejoin the team? He sucks and is a headcase but we need more than 2 healthy scholarship qbs
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