A lot was made preseason about tempo and volume vs efficiency.
Well, Hype seems to be quickly putting worries to bed. We aren't just fast and voluminous, but very efficient too. Below are our play-for-play yards gained, allowed, and the margin. Though football is a lot more than just this - it's a great metric. For instance, playoff teams usually have a minimum 1.5+ YPP margin and the greats are over 2 and sometimes even up to 3.
This isn't just our best 1st HC year, but for the years there are stats available (cfbstats.com - just happens to go back to 2009, so all post-Fulmer) this is the best year...by a wide margin. Even much better narrowing it down to Hooker's snaps, when we hit nearly 7 YPP and double our 2nd best margin. Yes, there's some situational football to clean up, but this is a fantastic indicator if you're whipping your opponents snap-for-snap.