Always wanted to be TWRA officer.Hesitate to post this but since it's somewhat slow, why not. 10 days ago I looked out on my deck and there was a hawk sitting on a plant stand. Didn't think much about it at the time but an hour later noticed he was still there and upon closer examination I saw he had an injured wing.
To make the story shorter I called the wildlife game folks to see if they would come and get to rehabilitate. They won't do if it's not an endangered species, said to let nature take it's course. Didn't sit well to me so a few hours later he still on my deck and decided to call around to see if I could find anyone to help. Finally found a place in Birmingham that would do it if I brought the hawk to them. So called a buddy to help me get him in a cage and drove him to Birmingham.
Going to take some time but he is on the mend and when he's healthy enough I'm driving back to get him and release him back to the wild and in his old neighborhood.
Gotta admit I'm going to feel mighty proud when I see him soaring again. My good deed for the year. Sorry for the long post but the guy who took in the dog on here spurred me to share..
It would work. I said early on that you could set up a charity, take donations, hire a football player as your spokesperson, pay him 49% - operating expenses, donate 51% to a charity. I think as long as 51% goes to charity it's eligible for 501c3 status but I could be wrong.
So why not go all in on the one kid in our backyard?
Missed that this kid entered the transfer portal yesterday.
Brenden Rice, Colorado, Wide Receiver (
Son of Jerry Rice. Has good size.
Guys can only transfer one time and play immediately. If they transfer again, they must sit out for a year. The number of players in the portal is huge but just a small percentage move on to other schools.The one time transfer needs to be is nothing but a tool for abuse.
You da man----I like your style and I hope the hawk stays in your neck of the woods when you release himHesitate to post this but since it's somewhat slow, why not. 10 days ago I looked out on my deck and there was a hawk sitting on a plant stand. Didn't think much about it at the time but an hour later noticed he was still there and upon closer examination I saw he had an injured wing.
To make the story shorter I called the wildlife game folks to see if they would come and get to rehabilitate. They won't do if it's not an endangered species, said to let nature take it's course. Didn't sit well to me so a few hours later he still on my deck and decided to call around to see if I could find anyone to help. Finally found a place in Birmingham that would do it if I brought the hawk to them. So called a buddy to help me get him in a cage and drove him to Birmingham.
Going to take some time but he is on the mend and when he's healthy enough I'm driving back to get him and release him back to the wild and in his old neighborhood.
Gotta admit I'm going to feel mighty proud when I see him soaring again. My good deed for the year. Sorry for the long post but the guy who took in the dog on here spurred me to share..
Write it down, and remember who told you. Georgia will beat Alabama in the rematch. People hate what they’re afraid of. Everyone on this board is afraid of Georgia and what they’re capable of. No, that doesn’t mean I’m a Georgia fan. I pull for them to lose every week, including against the Tide. Tennessee is going to have to take it up several notches on the recruiting trail if we’re even going to have a chance to beat either one in the next 10 years.Barking fan here.