Recruiting Forum Football Talk IV

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Are you considered self-employed? Though you won't be matched, you have a decent situation with the current Qualified Business Income Deduction and can shove a ton into a SEP-IRA. My wife was able to put well more than her old IRA amount (6,000 iirc) once I set her up on a SEP. Then there were the PPP "loans", which were major windfalls for contractors/self-employed and who knows, a third round may come.

But, yeah, tough to beat those employer benefits...on the upside most millionaires are/were self employed or contracted work so there's that. You can reap all the net income you can create or your contracts will allow out there.

I'm not self-employed. I work with a very small company contracted to a large organization. I miss 'company matching'.
Your own words o smug one. It was “information”. 😏 Commence circle.

“How am I not admitting I was wrong?”

“It was ‘information’”

How is that in any way an answer to that question?

Are you trying to say that what was stated in the original post isn’t information?

I’m starting to think you just can’t grasp that something turning out to be wrong doesn’t mean that it was some large error in thought. Similar to HoleInTheRoof’s Hooker comment not being dumb at the time he made it, no matter how bad it may look now.

And since you want me to circle back, and since you obviously struggle with Q&A, where is there any prediction or indictment in the original post that isn’t based on your own inference?
Maybe y'all should get a room. Your cluttering a thread.
His schtick is to bully people the same way LebVol and BruinVol have in the past. If you can’t admit youre wrong exactly the way he likes it, he has to grandstand and turn it into a show.

Plus this kid ain’t coming here. Perfect battleground imo 😂
“How am I not admitting I was wrong?”

“It was ‘information’”

How is that in any way an answer to that question?

Are you trying to say that what was stated in the original post isn’t information?

I’m starting to think you just can’t grasp that something turning out to be wrong doesn’t mean that it was some large error in thought. Similar to HoleInTheRoof’s Hooker comment not being dumb at the time he made it, no matter how bad it may look now.

And since you want me to circle back, and since you obviously struggle with Q&A, where is there any prediction or indictment in the original post that isn’t based on your own inference?
It was a take…not information. Rest of your post is argumentative, diversionary shite. Resume circle. 😴
His schtick is to bully people the same way LebVol and BruinVol have in the past. If you can’t admit youre wrong exactly the way he likes it, he has to grandstand and turn it into a show.

Plus this kid ain’t coming here. Perfect battleground imo 😂
Just say your take was wrong and we’re golden. I’ve done it…barely stings. 😏
His schtick is to bully people the same way LebVol and BruinVol have in the past. If you can’t admit youre wrong exactly the way he likes it, he has to grandstand and turn it into a show.

Plus this kid ain’t coming here. Perfect battleground imo 😂
Oh I know his deal. Way passed old.
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It was a take…not information. Rest of your post is argumentative, diversionary shite. Resume circle. 😴
But I’ve repeatedly said I was wrong about the aspect of it not being promising, which is as you described it my “take.” So again why keep banging the drum passed that point?

Oh because you’re a smug ass who constantly tries to feign superiority on a message board.
That’s the whole point of the Dayne Davis post right?
Just say your take was wrong and we’re golden. I’ve done it…barely stings. 😏
”I was definitely wrong about those signs not boding well” is literally from page 2 of this thread. Get over yourself this is just about you needing to feel self important.
But I’ve repeatedly said I was wrong about the aspect of it not being promising, which is as you described it my “take.” So again why keep banging the drum passed that point?

Oh because you’re a smug ass who constantly tries to feign superiority on a message board.
That’s the whole point of the Dayne Davis post right?
Volunteering one of my WRONG opinions unsolicited is “feigning superiority”? 🤨 Are you even pretending to understand your own crap?
”I was definitely wrong about those signs not boding well” is literally from page 2 of this thread. Get over yourself this is just about you needing to feel self important.
You’ve succeeded in confusing me. Just throwing words rapid fire. “Self important”. No sense.
You’ve succeeded in confusing me. Just throwing words rapid fire. “Self important”. No sense.
Citing a quote where I admitted my take was wrong from 2 pages back in reply to you telling (not asking because youre a self important ass) me to “just say your take was wrong” confuses you? Maybe you’re not as smart as I gave you credit for.

And yes you citing an unsolicited example of you being wrong is a sign of your self importance. No one asked, no one even cares about others being wrong except you. You can be wrong all you want it doesn’t matter. You only brought it up so you could say “Look at me, I’m proud to admit when I’m wrong” while ignoring that I already had admitted that very same thing a whole page before.

Your schtick is old, please retire with the other resident VN assholes of old. I’m sure some fresh blood would at least be more entertaining than your trite act.
Citing a quote where I admitted my take was wrong from 2 pages back in reply to you telling (not asking because youre a self important ass) me to “just say your take was wrong” confuses you? Maybe you’re not as smart as I gave you credit for.

And yes you citing an unsolicited example of you being wrong is a sign of your self importance. No one asked, no one even cares about others being wrong except you. You can be wrong all you want it doesn’t matter. You only brought it up so you could say “Look at me, I’m proud to admit when I’m wrong” while ignoring that I already had admitted that very same thing a whole page before.

Your schtick is old, please retire with the other resident VN assholes of old. I’m sure some fresh blood would at least be more entertaining than your trite act.
You’re beyond goofy. Making up quotes and applying them to me is “self importance”. I’m here to stay. Put me on ignore you gasbag.
You’re beyond goofy. Making up quotes and applying them to me is “self importance”. I’m here to stay. Put me on ignore you gasbag.
You sure do give a lot of commands for someone so humble.

And then what was your motivation for the Dayne Davis post? I had already admitted I was wrong at that point so again it couldn’t be that. 🤔

And lol I was waiting for the “put me on ignore” it’s another line you have to use often. You’re the one who took a fun post by HITR that had nothing to do with you and tried to assert yourself as someone who gets to decide whether someones admission of being wrong is good enough or not.

If it didnt meet your standards move along.
You sure do give a lot of commands for someone so humble.

And then what was your motivation for the Dayne Davis post? I had already admitted I was wrong at that point so again it couldn’t be that. 🤔

And lol I was waiting for the “put me on ignore” it’s another line you have to use often. You’re the one who took a fun post by HITR that had nothing to do with you and tried to assert yourself as someone who gets to decide whether someones admission of being wrong is good enough or not.

If it didnt meet your standards move along.
Once again…show where I’m claiming humility. I was showing how you admit being wrong and maintaining some dignity in the process…unlike your whole night on this subject. All this other crap and amateur pretentious psychology shows the screws you must’ve received in your stocking. lol? You’re really laughing out loud at your own dumb shizz? 😉 It was a “fun post” because he quoted your fake azz pretending that something meant more than it did and you still haven’t owned it. I’ll move when I want to…or not. Deal or don’t.
Once again…show where I’m claiming humility. I was showing how you admit being wrong and maintaining some dignity in the process…unlike your whole night on this subject. All this other crap and amateur pretentious psychology shows the screws you must’ve received in your stocking. lol? You’re really laughing out loud at your own dumb shizz? 😉 It was a “fun post” because he quoted your fake azz pretending that something meant more than it did and you still haven’t owned it. I’ll move when I want to…or not. Deal or don’t.
You see your unsolicited examples as a display of maintaining dignity and somehow don’t think that comes across as self important? You have no dignity, you try and drag anyone on the board that disagrees with you in the slightest and then if you can’t win the argument outright you tell them to put you on ignore. You also can’t ever not have the last word, so the bastion of dignity you are not.

Again I admitted my take was wrong on page 2 you continue to ignore that because that undermines your whole tirade you’ve been on and you can’t have yourself looking foolish at this point huh?

And I’m a “fake azz” (cute spelling btw) for what exactly? I thought something was not inspiring and it turned out to be a non-factor, where exactly was I fake? HITR had fun at my expense and I thought it was funny, the only one who made it into an even slightly serious subject is you, because I didn’t admit I was wrong exactly to your standards? Again self important.

Plus calling an ******* an ******* isn’t amateur psychology, anyone can spot it easily. I’m being one too right now, but at least I’m honest about it.
You see your unsolicited examples as a display of maintaining dignity and somehow don’t think that comes across as self important? You have no dignity, you try and drag anyone on the board that disagrees with you in the slightest and then if you can’t win the argument outright you tell them to put you on ignore. You also can’t ever not have the last word, so the bastion of dignity you are not.

Again I admitted my take was wrong on page 2 you continue to ignore that because that undermines your whole tirade you’ve been on and you can’t have yourself looking foolish at this point huh?

And I’m a “fake azz” (cute spelling btw) for what exactly? I thought something was not inspiring and it turned out to be a non-factor, where exactly was I fake? HITR had fun at my expense and I thought it was funny, the only one who made it into an even slightly serious subject is you, because I didn’t admit I was wrong exactly to your standards? Again self important.

Plus calling an ******* an ******* isn’t amateur psychology, anyone can spot it easily. I’m being one too right now, but at least I’m honest about it.
“Tirade” you’re so pretentious. Mine was an off-hand comment and you blew it up into a controversy that wasn’t. I used “azz” so I wouldn’t need to set a record for asterisks in a post. As for the “last word” thing? Funny YOU should bring it up. Now prove it means nothing to you. 😎
It would crumble this country if they do it. It would be one of the biggest mistakes ever. Less people would save for retirement and that number is already low. Average American retires with basically nothing. Social security is under funded already and this would make people more dependent on it. I hope they don’t do something that stupid. I’m 100% honest when I say this, the government officials that write tax law do not even understand most tax law themselves. It blows my mind when I speak with IRS agents or auditors about tax law and positions taken on tax returns. They have zero clue what they are talking about.

Exactly the same circumstances with their knowledge of healthcare…

Any government control is probably viewed exactly the same regardless of the situation. They are incompetent bureaucrats who are only taking care of their special interest groups rather than the national best practice. It’s pretty sickening when you dive into any aspect of our government now. 😐
Corral going down was huge but i thought that young kid had talent.

Agree on the young QB.

I think Kiffin got all he could out of what he had with the added benefit of the officials in our game. The D's improvement over the course of the season saved them a game or two as well. He will probably bolt for greener pastures soon because the west division is going to eat OM alive over the next few seasons.
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