Recruiting Forum Football Talk IV

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Yep….. he has done a good job….. hope he can get over the hump in the tournament.

I'm going to take the approach that he will get over the hump - this season - barring unforeseen injuries. If it doesn't happen this season, I now believe it will happen soon.

Back with Grant, Admiral and crew they peeked too early and had too many roster depth issues. Everything had to go just right and when Alexander was injured they had nothing to compensate. Despite losing Nkamhoua, CRB/staff had Aidoo ready without us even knowing - which means the opponents would also not know what to expect. They get to integrate him more into it and it takes the pressure off BHH to grow up. Fulk is getting back up to speed, literally. His quickness against a great player was incredible last night. So the inside game is coming around at the right time.

The G play is off the charts good and will get even more cohesive. Chandler finishing drives well adds a dimension. The D is like glue on opponents. Vescovi has take a giant step forward from a liability to a plus defender now and is as pure a shooter as it gets.

It's all about shooting well in my book. Keep working on the shooting and ride the momentum.
Aidoo in his 3rd game of playing goes toe to toe with one of best big men in nation is crazy impressive. Zero intimidation. He plays tougher than BHH. Such a difference in how they play. BHH just doesn’t ever look like he is hustling maybe it’s just his style but he looks like he is playing lazy then you see Aidoo mixing it up as a lanky skinny kid.

I think BHH is still trying to find his way but there is lots of talent. He is only 18 so I think he will make a big jump this off-season.
Aidoo in his 3rd game of playing goes toe to toe with one of best big men in nation is crazy impressive. Zero intimidation. He plays tougher than BHH. Such a difference in how they play. BHH just doesn’t ever look like he is hustling maybe it’s just his style but he looks like he is playing lazy then you see Aidoo mixing it up as a lanky skinny kid.
Tshamalamadingdong for KY is probably the best big man in the country, but he got exposed last night by Tennessee. And showed why he will not be a major minutes NBA guy.

He can't stay in front of a quicker big man when he is on defense and if he can't just out muscle you to get within about 4 ft of the basket or get a rebound (which is mostly effort) he isn't very dangerous on offense, but then, even if he does that, someone with length like Aidoo can alter his shot.
We got lucky to be open at the right time to exploit Texas making a stupid Texas mistake.

Some of our fans would prefer we made that same mistake with Rick Barnes

They are stewing in the background, bemoaning this current win streak, waiting for this team to slip up so they can say "Told you so! Rick Barnes is overrated!"

Not a fun way to live but somehow there are fans that prefer to live that way
Awesome win for them Vols. Wasn't expecting much but they showed up with revenge on their minds. A few weeks ago I pretty much had resigned myself to an early tournament exit. They really seem to be playing their best ball right now. An Auburn win would make the world right again.

We aren’t used to it, but teams that make runs in March usually start heating up around middle-late February. Something to watch.
Yep….. he has done a good job….. hope he can get over the hump in the tournament.
I don't care if he does or doesn't...nobody else has EVER done it here, and until a few Pearly years, all we had was mostly crap after Ray Mears, and even he never did a whole lot, but he usually had good teams.
It takes great guard play to advance in the tournament. We have 3 great guards.

If Aidoo is as real as last night looked, and Uros and Fulk can stay healthy, and we've got our guards zooming around the perimeter. With veteran leadership in Vescovi and Fulky, the fearless spirit and tenacity that ZZ brings, and the star power of Chandler...

We might mess around and do something.

We haven't shifted into 5th yet, and we might have a 6th gear that we don't know about.

One game Powell is going to turn into the sniper from Saving Private Ryan and knock down like 10 3's while methodically reciting his shooter's scripture.
Imagine having a coach who is 9-7 against Kentucky, has a Sweet 16, an SEC Title, two SEC tournament finals, our second ever #1 ranking which we held for a month, and has us in the NCAA tournament basically every year and being like “not good enough.”

Couldn’t be me.
It is kinda nuts. The same group of fans who are on his nuts today will be on his ass when he loses a game. I've said it before, and I'll say it again----we have some sorry ass fans who need to up their Prozac medication.
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