I'm going to help you guys out, since, well, you need it.
Cheese on BBQ is good but please for the love of Baby Jesus, don't make it a habit. It's good when you have leftovers of your pulled pork and you're wanting to change things up just a bit. But, that is one of the very few scenarios which are allowed. Sorry, I don't make the rules.
Now, the best cheeses...personally, I think there are about 30-35 cheeses that are tied for first on any reputable rating list. The best advice I can give you is when you stop in your local grocer or favorite deli, just ask them for 1/2 pound of 4-5 different cheeses. If they want you to itemize which cheeses, tell them you don't have time for that, shut up and start your slicer.
Pimento cheese is a gift from the Gods. And you should treat it as such.