Recruiting Forum Football Talk [RIP 9.3.2019]

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Is he playing regularly for Atlanta? Who in contention is looking for a CF who can’t hit?

They must be
Is he playing regularly for Atlanta? Who in contention is looking for a CF who can’t hit?

They must be lining up.

Why does it have to be to a contender? Have control at affordable price till 21 with a TEAM option for 22 at six million per year. Struggled this year but is only 28 and a lifetime 286 hitter. Makes a lot of sense for even a non contender.
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Shamefully, so few of them were either taught or have taken their own time to dive into statistics. They are also stuck to old school box stats and arbitrary milestones. They keep talking about things like "Total Defense" and obssessed with 1,000 yard rushers, when most any serious students of the game these days have moved light years beyond these silly metrics of success.

Most would struggle with interpreting a scatterplot.
Probably won't watch. Sorry ladies. Somethings are meant to be a certain way.

Now, I would totally watch a female spy movie. Salt was good.
From a woman's perspective, leave James Bond alone. I don't want to watch a woman trying to prove she is as good as Bond. I would like to watch a woman proving she is a good spy. Having them team up later, each with their own skills, would be great.
From a woman's perspective, leave James Bond alone. I don't want to watch a woman trying to prove she is as good as Bond. I would like to watch a woman proving she is a good spy. Having them team up later, each with their own skills, would be great.
This would be fantastic. Love the new avi also
Never seen a Bond movie in theaters and that won’t change with them going female.

I bet they’re hoping it does better than the Ghostbusters attempt. Last I saw they lost like $70 million at the box office
From a woman's perspective, leave James Bond alone. I don't want to watch a woman trying to prove she is as good as Bond. I would like to watch a woman proving she is a good spy. Having them team up later, each with their own skills, would be great.

I had the sense that that's what the new film is doing. As I understand it, as the film opens, Bond has retired and a new spy has been assigned the 007 designation. And apparently she's an impressive badass. And then something has happened to make them call Bond back into action and he has to work alongside the new 007.

I really don't know what the big deal is there, as long as they don't spin her into a come-save-me-big-man standard issue Bond girl by the end of the film.
Never seen a Bond movie in theaters and that won’t change with them going female.

I bet they’re hoping it does better than the Ghostbusters attempt. Last I saw they lost like $70 million at the box office
well in fairness, that was because that was a bad movie, not because it had women in it.

if the movie's good, it'll do fine.
From a woman's perspective, leave James Bond alone. I don't want to watch a woman trying to prove she is as good as Bond. I would like to watch a woman proving she is a good spy. Having them team up later, each with their own skills, would be great.

The ladies want to watch him and their men want to be him...easy for them both to agree. Pretty sure this new approach to 007 will lose more than it gains.

Black Panther was an excellent example of how you appeal to a more diverse audience without alienating your core. Movie makers would do well to study that success.

If this is "political," mods please move. I am trying to understand why the US Women's National soccer team is suing because of a "pay gap." I have read this article: Breaking it down: What exactly is the gap in pay between USWNT and USMNT players?

and it explains it some. However, if their pay is based upon their own Collective Bargaining Agreement, how is that anyone's fault except their own? With regards to how FIFA distributes the prize money, I am sure some if it based upon the revenue generated by the event. I have not looked at the numbers, but I am guessing that attendance and TV ratings for the men's World Cup are higher. That seems to lead to a market value distribution of the funds generated. Am I missing something here?

No, I think your last paragraph nailed it. In fact, I read where FIFA distributes some 7% of revenues to men players and 20% of the women's tourney to the women players.

US women players have to remember, as big as it is here, it is a miniscule tournament worldwide compared to the men's. The simple fact is they bring in much less money.

I'm all for pay equity, but that equity has to be based on what they produced. It's like saying Minor league players make less than Majors. Well yeah, a Smokies ticket is like $7 and is not televised. One simply produces far more value than the other.

Pay equity makes total sense in the corporate/public realm where 2 people may be at the same tier or produce the same level of value. But sports is extremely uneven and not a place where this usually works. Everyone, most men and all, are looking up to the Lebrons, Bradys, etc at the top making crazy money.

Edit: WC Figures
"FIFA’s 2018 financial report said it earned revenue of $5.357 billion from the men’s tournament in Russia"

"Forbes estimated the Women’s World Cup will generate about $131 million for the four-year cycle ending in 2022"
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My first thought on the James Bond thing was..get that stupid crap outta here...but if it is done well I would watch it. I thought Solo was going to suck bigly, but I actually really enjoyed it when I gave it a chance...which is impressive because it is hard to win over a hostile audience.

Just do it well if you are going to do it.
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