Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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Forever? Only kids I met in college who cared about sports at all were in frats.
I never met any who cared about football more than the average student. If anything it was less than the average student. They cared about partying, and football games were a great excuse for that, but there was no noticeable difference between the Greeks and normal students when it came to passion for the team's success. In fact I didn't meet a single frat guy in college who would have sacrificed a party to be able to go to the game if he had to choose.
LMAO @ Kentucky! Maybe Levis is a decent QB because Kentucky is awful without him. Hahahaha USC is terrible this year and Kentucky is getting dragged.

If he is out only because of turf toe, then the team physicians suck as well.

Put a double thick carbon fiber insole in his cleat and it won’t allow the flex therefore no pain from the turf toe. Use either a steroid shot or PRP to get the inflammation down. Problem solved.
Georgia FB page I ran across.. how long has it been since we've had both Bama & GA fans worried bout us?! Man it feels good & its only yr 2 folks..

Also long time viewer.. finally made an acct to post this! Lol


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Georgia FB page I ran across.. how long has it been since we've had both Bama & GA fans worried bout us?! Man it feels good & its only yr 2 folks..

Also long time viewer.. finally made an acct to post this! Lol

Question for the doctors. My dad had surgery last week to remove what we assume are cancerous tumors in his bladder, one of them being near where the ureter inserts. He apparently waited three months from when he first started passing blood to say something. We get the biopsy results in the morning. I’m bracing for the worst of course, but I guess I’m curious about how much could have happened in that three months.
Question for the doctors. My dad had surgery last week to remove what we assume are cancerous tumors in his bladder, one of them being near where the ureter inserts. He apparently waited three months from when he first started passing blood to say something. We get the biopsy results in the morning. I’m bracing for the worst of course, but I guess I’m curious about how much could have happened in that three months.
I'm no doctor but🙏 for you & your family and i hope you receive nothing but good news my friend..
The reason he was charged is because he chased after the guy once he left the apartment, and the reason he was charged with Aggravated Assault (felony) rather than Simple Assault (misdemeanor) is because he fell down a set of stairs that could’ve lead to serious bodily injury or even death. Like I said earlier this sounds like a bunch of nothing and the charges will get plead down to simple assault or dropped.

I hadn’t really seen Michael j fox since his disease started progressing…. How sad?

parkinson’s is a terrible disease
Question for the doctors. My dad had surgery last week to remove what we assume are cancerous tumors in his bladder, one of them being near where the ureter inserts. He apparently waited three months from when he first started passing blood to say something. We get the biopsy results in the morning. I’m bracing for the worst of course, but I guess I’m curious about how much could have happened in that three months.

Hoping for good news for you and your family
Secondary has to tighten up even more this weekend. Keep improving and limit the mistakes. JM is not a big loss imo, for a senior he plays slow and misses a ton of tackles.

I don’t like either of our safeties.
I hate Bama with a passion but credit where it's due Nick knows how to assemble a staff and they will exploit any and every weakness we have.Its not like we've played scrub coaches but none that can gameplan the way Saban and Co...Saying that I believe we have some of the best coaches in the country and I'll take my guys vs his guys anyday but we best be damn ready cause this Saturday ur gonna have some great coaching minds on both sides...GO VOLS....
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Question for the doctors. My dad had surgery last week to remove what we assume are cancerous tumors in his bladder, one of them being near where the ureter inserts. He apparently waited three months from when he first started passing blood to say something. We get the biopsy results in the morning. I’m bracing for the worst of course, but I guess I’m curious about how much could have happened in that three months.

Sorry to hear that. The important part of the biopsy results will be if the tumors invade the muscle of the bladder or not. If they don’t, then a lot would depend on the size, location, etc. There are various options of treatments within the bladder they could try (like BCG) and try to avoid having to remove the bladder.

If the tumors invaded the muscle layer then that’s a different ballgame and likely would be recommended chemotherapy followed by bladder removal assuming your dad is healthy enough to have that.

Hope that helps and hope he does great!
Charges should be dropped. A drunk walks into your home and the outcome is a hit to the mouth?.
Charges will not be dropped, and shouldn't be dropped if that's the entire/true story.

You can't legally follow someone out of your apartment and punch them down a flight of stairs unless they are attacking you outside of your apartment--i.e. self defense. "Following them out as they flee" is not a defense in castle doctrine.
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