Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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As a young kid growing up in Knoxville, I loved everything having to do with Tennessee Football. I listened to John Ward with the TV turned down every Saturday that the Vols were on the air, and I listened to John Ward without the TV when they weren't. I remember two occasions when a guy my dad worked with at TVA wasn't going to use his tickets and I got to go watch a games against Ole Miss and Vanderbilt. I remember, when I was 9 years old, participating in a contest that the Knoxville News Sentinel held where their sports writers would pick the winners of 10 (I think) games around the country. You picked your winners and sent in the checked cut out of the paper (the interwebs was only a twinkle in Al Gore's eye) and, if you did better than they did, you won a prize. It was a T-Shirt that had a caricature of Smoky and the slogan, "Hot Dog, I beat the Knoxville News Sentinel." I tell you that to tell you this. That year was 1982, and there was no way I was going to pick Alabama to win that Saturday, October 16th, a scant 6 days before my 10th birthday. My dad told me that, if I wanted to win the shirt, the better pick was Alabama. He's a huge UT fan, but has always been a pragmatist.

I stubbornly picked my Vols to win and, by Johnny, they did. It had been 11 years since we had won. Remember that I was 9 at that time, which means I had never lived in a world where we had beaten Alabama. We were due. I wore my shirt proudly and mom had to wrestle it off me to even get it washed.

We're due again. It's been even longer this time and, while I have lived to see us beat the putrid pachyderms, it's been too long. I am not unique in my belief that this just might be our year. Don't get me wrong, it'll still be a rough game and we'll have to play focused and passionate football to win...but that's exactly what I think we will do. I was unfamiliar with Heupel when he was picked to be our coach, but he has earned my undying support for bringing us back to relevance this quickly. 10-2 is the floor boys. The CFP is not an insane possibility. We may not win, come Saturday. We may get blown out, although I seriously doubt that. But, whatever the result, I'll be wearing a UT shirt proudly. I just also happen to believe I'll be celebrating a win.

Heupel's Heroes 34 - Satan's Suckers 28.

Go Vols!
Tiyon evans is on campus right now by the way

Again, 95% of that has nothing to do with the current coach lol. He just put a 1st rounder into the league which is pretty darn good. The rest is up to the NFL coaches of course. You're blaming college coaches for the NFL level of devlopment?

Should Heupel be punished for no great UT QBs since Peyton? He has nothing to do with Clausen, Ainge, Crompton, Bray, Dormady, Dobbs, JG, Bailey, etc. Sam Bradford and Drew Lock haven't had very good NFL that Heupel's fault?

I hear what you’re saying and disagree because f*** Ohio state.
I hear what you’re saying and disagree because f*** Ohio state.
Uhh ok 🤣 I guess I haven't even thought about them much since the mid 90s.

All my hate is on the SEC and its teams (and god awful commish). The rest of the country I am just disinterested in tbh. They can be good or not, don't really care. But if they can help keep the other SEC teams, our rivals, down then all the better.
2007 SEC title game.

Not quite 20 years, but 2001 SEC championship was more massive.

Could put 2016 Bama up there too as we had already beat UF and UGA, and had no one in front of us we were predicted to lose to.

May be forgetting some games, but definitely up there though. I'd say top 3.

Luckily the players are too young to know all this and I doubt they feel that pressure.
Everybody with any sense knew Bama was curb stomping us in 2016.
Everybody with any sense knew Bama was curb stomping us in 2016.
We almost had em in 2015. There was that hope, but yeah 2016 team seemed dysfunctional from the start. But there was always hope with Dobbs and Kamara. The injuries were just waaay too much by the half.

But the question was biggest game. That game was huge as we saw Atlanta 1000% in our view if we won. It was definitely top 3 or so of the past couple decades as well.
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