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"Cheetah Package" "Cheetah Package" "Cheetah Package" "Cheetah Package" "Cheetah Package" "Cheetah Package" "Cheetah Package" "Cheetah Package" "Cheetah Package" "Cheetah Package"

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That's the Alabama pronunciation.

It's actually the "Cheater Package". Every time they take the field, the refs are reminded.
Saban says BY is going to decide if he feels like playing on Saturday. UT is deciding if Tillman is ready to play. Neither player is 100%. Different programs; different approaches. LGV!
By phrasing it that way, there is pretty much zero chance BY doesn't play now.
Saban says BY is going to decide if he feels like playing on Saturday. UT is deciding if Tillman is ready to play. Neither player is 100%. Different programs; different approaches. LGV!
If the player wants to play and they're cleared let them play. Sitting Tillman because he isn't 100% is pretty weak.
Yeah...and I call 🦬💩 on the "I just randomly walked into the wrong apartment, and then walked out"

So, when I was at UT, I was at a friends apartment. Tennessee had just won a game 😎

The door knob to her apartment started rattling and then an extremely drunk guy started beating on her door. I yanked the door open and was ready to throw fists. The drunk guys expression when he realized it wasn’t his apartment was so funny that I started laughing. He was on the wrong floor. My friend didn’t believe him. So I followed him upstairs and his apartment was in the exact same location. His door was locked and he had lost his keys. He actually had a bill in his wallet with his name and apartment address and number on it in his wallet. I checked his license too. I borrowed his credit cards, popped the door lock (Memphian 😇) and got him in quickly.

We went back down to her apartment. About 5 minutes later he is knocking on her door again. When I open it, he hands me a bottle in a paper bag and insists that we take it, He then stumbles back upstairs. I expect to get some bottle of rotgut. I hand the paper bag to my friend. She pulls out a bottle of Dom Perignon. We both look at each other 😳 like WTF? Had never been able to afford anything like that before. We truly enjoyed that champagne 😎

Now, I don’t think that’s what happened at JM apartment at all… just reminded me of a pretty funny college story.
Tbh, I'd rather Tillman heal another week if that is what he needs and have him 100% for UGA, UK, etc.
I've said for weeks we don't need Tillman, this this is the week we need him. Bama has the horses to stop Bru and Hyatt, Keyton will be the one with the 1 on 1. Plus LMAO at us needing him for Kentucky. They're garbage. I'm also not convinced we have to have him against UGA.
I would also be on the sit him train if we had a loss, or things weren't looking good, but this week means everything. This week means playoffs, it means Atlanta. If he's cleared he needs to play. TN isn't beating Bama without Tillman
Someone please explain to me why any bigtime high school QB recruit would even consider going to Ohio State. Do they have even one former QB that has gone on to be a highly successful starting NFL QB in the last 10-20 years? Fields looks completely lost in the NFL.

Edit: I just looked it up myself. The answer is no. Mike Tomczak (Ohio State QB from 1982-1984) is their most successful NFL QB dating back that far. Kirk Herbstreet is their most successful former QB, just not as a starting NFL QB. Since 1984, it‘s an NFL starting QB wasteland.
They still get drafted in the first round and make $10-$30 million. I'd take that.
Leaving in the middle of the night was his decision not Hamilton and I'm not a fan of Hamilton either. Kiffin leaving like he did started the 15 years of bad coaching hires.

Ed O and Layla had A LOT to do with this. They wanted out of Knoxville ASAP. I think Kiffin leaving gave UT a free pass to upgrade over a guy who wasn't ready for the job. UT could've had a mulligan but instead doubled down on a decade of self-sabotage. So many years and so many layers of ineptitude-- unfathomable for a program that had defined stability and prospered greatly from it.
I've said for weeks we don't need Tillman, this this is the week we need him. Bama has the horses to stop Bru and Hyatt, Keyton will be the one with the 1 on 1. Plus LMAO at us needing him for Kentucky. They're garbage. I'm also not convinced we have to have him against UGA.
I would also be on the sit him train if we had a loss, or things weren't looking good, but this week means everything. This week means playoffs, it means Atlanta. If he's cleared he needs to play. TN isn't beating Bama without Tillman
Against a defense like Alabama has, I'm not sure a 75% healthy Tillman would be that much of a matchup advantage tbh. And we probably don't need him to beat UK but even so, I'd like him to be 100% for the stretch run.
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Against a defense like Alabama has, I'm not sure a 75% healthy Tillman would be that much of a matchup advantage tbh. And we probably don't need him to beat UK but even so, I'd like him to be 100% for the stretch run.
75% Tillman is still better than everyone not named Bru or Hyatt.
I've said for weeks we don't need Tillman, this this is the week we need him. Bama has the horses to stop Bru and Hyatt, Keyton will be the one with the 1 on 1. Plus LMAO at us needing him for Kentucky. They're garbage. I'm also not convinced we have to have him against UGA.
I would also be on the sit him train if we had a loss, or things weren't looking good, but this week means everything. This week means playoffs, it means Atlanta. If he's cleared he needs to play. TN isn't beating Bama without Tillman
Don’t really need to beat Alabama this week to reach Atlanta. Everything is still within our goals even with a loss.
Geez hearing Locked on Vols going over Bama's defensive stats. That's a really good defense. A lot of talk has been offense matching offense, but our defense will need to play up to the matchup too. Need a really solid day.
I am worried about their 2 DE's, combined with their LB's, our line and blockers are going to have to bring their A game.
If they can get a decent run game established, and give Hendo time to throw, I am not worried about their secondary vs our WR's...UNLESS, the refs let bama get away with murder the whole game in the secondary.
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