Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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If you find yourself in an argument with a smoothbrain about how Dixieland Delight is a song about Tennessee, and they can't get over the fact that the band that recorded the song is named "Alabama," as if that's relevant to the nature of the song, might I suggest this analogy.

"Tennessee Whiskey" was written by Dean Dillon from Rocky Top, Tennessee. It's very obviously about our philosophic wine (or Devil's brew).

It's been popularly and famously recorded by Chris Stapleton from Lexington, Kentucky. When Chris recorded it, the song didn't magically become about Kentucky bourbon....
The position the Vols are in right now is crazy fun. We’re winning games, putting up points, and are the talk of college football. Try to enjoy it. We haven’t been here in a loooooong time.

This is my recommendation to everyone! Screw BVS, soak it in. Sports is no fun when it makes you miserable.

If I've taken any lesson over the last 15 years, never take good times for granted. I did before, won't make that mistake again.
If you find yourself in an argument with a smoothbrain about how Dixieland Delight is a song about Tennessee, and they can't get over the fact that the band that recorded the song is named "Alabama," as if that's relevant to the nature of the song, might I suggest this analogy.

"Tennessee Whiskey" was written by Dean Dillon from Rocky Top, Tennessee. It's very obviously about our philosophic wine (or Devil's brew).

It's been popularly and famously recorded by Chris Stapleton from Lexington, Kentucky. When Chris recorded it, the song didn't magically become about Kentucky bourbon....

What would they even argue? It’s a song written by a Tennesseean, inspired by a drive he took through Grainger County, and mentions Tennessee (and only Tennessee) multiple times in the lyrics.
I think the UGA TE gives our secondary fits. Our run defense is stout but we have lots of things to improve on.

Not if they plant him on the LOS every single play. Just have Banks run right through him every play. No targeting. Just good clean hits. If they flex him out, same thing. Nothing illegal. Just introduce him to good old fashioned Tennessee payback.

There’s plenty of time to worry about him later. Please keep focused on bama. One week at a time.

Please taze yourself until you get with the program. 😎
It only makes me angry seeing where our program is now under White and Plowman’s leadership, regarding the past 15 years.

The revolving door of poor leadership with the AD and Chancellor positions is a really frustrating time when looking back. Hamilton, Hart, Currie, and Fulmer were all lackadaisical. Cheek didn’t seem to care about UT athletics flourishing either.

It’s absolutely refreshing to see excellent leadership at UT again. We are blessed to have Danny White and Donde Plowman. Both are the reason why UT athletics as a whole is the healthiest it’s been in decades, maybe ever. I wouldn’t trade those two for any other pair.

UT has a very solid admin for the first time in decades. Top to bottom, they realize the importance of stability and unity in the pursuit of goals. But the person who seldom gets the credit, yet makes it all possible, is Randy Boyd. He's the guy who has the vision and makes the financial calls that have driven UT's recent success. Some very pivotal decisions have been his, and UT wouldn't be where it is without his leadership at the top.
Our guy can coach. Yours clearly can’t (he basically cost you guys a chance at being able to tie our game. )

To be fair, Napier kept them in the game with his lay it all on the line strategy. He knew he was outmanned and couldn’t stop our offense so he went for all those 4th downs even in their own territory. If they hadn’t converted most of those then it’s a blowout and an easily questionable move. But they did.
Not if they plant him on the LOS every single play. Just have Banks run right through him every play. No targeting. Just good clean hits. If they flex him out, same thing. Nothing illegal. Just introduce him to good old fashioned Tennessee payback.

There’s plenty of time to worry about him later. Please keep focused on bama. One week at a time.

Please taze yourself until you get with the program. 😎

Who's side are you on?

I don’t want any team to have any excuses for why we whipped their asses. Surely you are not scared of uk with or without levis?

Just like the uk football and basketball coaches, their docs are inferior to our docs…😈

@InVOLuntary did I post it on a uk board? Nope…think the uk fans/team/coaches/team docs read VN? Maybe. But they would all have me on ignore because

15-0 🤠
What would they even argue? It’s a song written by a Tennesseean, inspired by a drive he took through Grainger County, and mentions Tennessee (and only Tennessee) multiple times in the lyrics.
You know what Alabama would call a student who could comprehend the clear and extremely simple explanation you just offered?

Valid Victorian.
Against a defense like Alabama has, I'm not sure a 75% healthy Tillman would be that much of a matchup advantage tbh. And we probably don't need him to beat UK but even so, I'd like him to be 100% for the stretch run.
If he's on the field he pulls their best DB. He doesn't have to catch anything to help the offense, and he can lay a block on the WR screen plays we love. That being said I don't think he plays. High ankle sprains are no joke, and we have had guys step up big time in his absence.
75% Tillman is still better than everyone not named Bru or Hyatt.
That's not really being fair to Keyton. I like Tillman but he's never laid out for a catch like the one Keyton caught against Florida. That young man has really turned it around this year like Tillman did last year. It's nice to have good coaches again.
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