Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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He did say Bama wasn't forcing BY to play, but BY wants to play and thinks he can. Undoubtedly, some of it's strategy, but most players choose to play in big games if cleared. He's practicing more each day so... a less than 100% BY is better than no BY. Less than 100%-- Tillman sits.

So I just thought I read several pages back that AP was told he (BY) hasn't practiced yet this week? Was that quote old?
That's not really being fair to Keyton. I like Tillman but he's never laid out for a catch like the one Keyton caught against Florida. That young man has really turned it around this year like Tillman did last year. It's nice to have good coaches again.
Keyton has been a changed man.
If you find yourself in an argument with a smoothbrain about how Dixieland Delight is a song about Tennessee, and they can't get over the fact that the band that recorded the song is named "Alabama," as if that's relevant to the nature of the song, might I suggest this analogy.

"Tennessee Whiskey" was written by Dean Dillon from Rocky Top, Tennessee. It's very obviously about our philosophic wine (or Devil's brew).

It's been popularly and famously recorded by Chris Stapleton from Lexington, Kentucky. When Chris recorded it, the song didn't magically become about Kentucky bourbon....
George Jones did a better (and actual country version) of Tennessee Whiskey. I get so sick of people trumpeting Stapleton's praises because he sings in a more bluesy/R&B style. Plus, most of his songs are lame.
Geez hearing Locked on Vols going over Bama's defensive stats. That's a really good defense. A lot of talk has been offense matching offense, but our defense will need to play up to the matchup too. Need a really solid day.
Alabama has played one team ranked in the top 70 in scoring offense so I don’t think their defense has been tested. Are they good yes but no one knows how good. It can’t be said our offense hasn’t played a defense as good as theirs without the opposite also being applied.
I think the “Tillman won’t play unless he’s 100%” is a bit of coach speak if you ask me. A 90% Tillman that doesn’t have high risk of are-aggravation and has pretty much full mobility will still play, IMO.. even if it’s just a little bit sore after the game or between drives.
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I've said for weeks we don't need Tillman, this this is the week we need him. Bama has the horses to stop Bru and Hyatt, Keyton will be the one with the 1 on 1. Plus LMAO at us needing him for Kentucky. They're garbage. I'm also not convinced we have to have him against UGA.
I would also be on the sit him train if we had a loss, or things weren't looking good, but this week means everything. This week means playoffs, it means Atlanta. If he's cleared he needs to play. TN isn't beating Bama without Tillman
Unfortunately I agree.

I know Keyton can go make noise, but I feel like we need the dominant play that Tillman brings.

Now if Bryce Young is still hurt and limited we are pretty even and I still like our chances.

I think a lot of people already forgot how good Tillman is. Like no one in college football can guard him at all. He's too big and strong. Like ya just have to throw it up to him. Sucks cause Bama plays man!
UT has a very solid admin for the first time in decades. Top to bottom, they realize the importance of stability and unity in the pursuit of goals. But the person who seldom gets the credit, yet makes it all possible, is Randy Boyd. He's the guy who has the vision and makes the financial calls that have driven UT's recent success. Some very pivotal decisions have been his, and UT wouldn't be where it is without his leadership at the top.

This is what the national media didn’t understand about our fan base during the dark period. The absolute incompetence of decision after decision was glaring. It was like trying to pass off Thunderbird as topshelf whiskey to all the afficianados in this forum. We weren’t falling for it no matter how much they tried shoving it down our throat. Now we are swallowing the good stuff.
(There’s the meat).
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Come on man enjoy this while it lasts!
It's all going to come down to defense. We haven't played against this good of a defense yet with the overall talent and depth. Our defense hasn't played against this good of an offense yet...

We are without arguably our best WR to pressure and spread their defense, allowing them to double up on Bru or Hyatt... and it sounds like we may be missing a few on our defense that is already slaw in the secondary...

They are going to make it their main focus to stop our pace on offense and come out and try to shut us down early, bringing a lot of pressure on Hooker. If we cannot put sustained drives together and come away with points in the first quarter, second quarter, we are burnt toast.

If we cannot pressure the QB, whoever it is, and contain them, keeping them from running open for first downs, and somehow containing Gibbs, who hasn't been contained well yet, they will score often and wear down our thin depth defense by the 4th quarter. If we contain the QB and RB, they will go to the air and test our below average secondary with 4-5* WR's... Our only hope is that BY plays and cannot throw over 10-15yds, or their backup plays and we don't give him enough time to complete the long balls...

Someone earlier posted that we don't need to play perfect to win, but bama does... Unfortunately its the other way around. We need to come out fast, confident, and focused, not getting emotional...Hooker cannot come out nervous and tight, throwing high like he tends to do, or it won't end well with bama's secondary...

We absolutely can do this and pull the upset, but things will have to go our way, no turnovers for us, and at least one for them, we will need to be able to continue to put points on the board. We MUST have a fair game called by the refs, with them actually calling holding penalties on a spoiled rotten bama Oline, or we won't get pressure and they will throw at will... Over the past 5-8yrs, Refs have absolutely helped bama in games like this against us... Maybe we are enough of a threat that they will be told or forced to call a fair game for once...
Who's most likely to pancake Henry T tomorrow?
Vols up 41-27 with less than a min on the clock, 2nd and 2, first down ices the game…

Darnell ear holes him on a down block on counter and teabags him on the way up. Small for a gain of 8. Neyland explodes, band cues up Rocky Top

Last words Henry T hears playing football in Neyland— “Loyalty, b****”
I am worried about their 2 DE's, combined with their LB's, our line and blockers are going to have to bring their A game.
If they can get a decent run game established, and give Hendo time to throw, I am not worried about their secondary vs our WR's...UNLESS, the refs let bama get away with murder the whole game in the secondary.

Unfortunately the REFS are going to play a HUGE roll in this game, they will either give us a fair chance, or shut us down... It's a legitimate concern based on past games and the obvious "bama privilege" they get every game.
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