Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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I don’t want any team to have any excuses for why we whipped their asses. Surely you are not scared of uk with or without levis?

Just like the uk football and basketball coaches, their docs are inferior to our docs…😈

@InVOLuntary did I post it on a uk board? Nope…think the uk fans/team/coaches/team docs read VN? Maybe. But they would all have me on ignore because

15-0 🤠
Unfortunately I agree.

I know Keyton can go make noise, but I feel like we need the dominant play that Tillman brings.

Now if Bryce Young is still hurt and limited we are pretty even and I still like our chances.

I think a lot of people already forgot how good Tillman is. Like no one in college football can guard him at all. He's too big and strong. Like ya just have to throw it up to him. Sucks cause Bama plays man!
Eh, Tillman is great, but he's not the superman you're making him out to be. This system makes every wr look better than they would look elsewhere. Heupel is like Petrino, offensive players will always look phenomenal in his system. I'd much rather have both Tillman and BY sit out vs both of them play.
Unfortunately the REFS are going to play a HUGE roll in this game, they will either give us a fair chance, or shut us down... It's a legitimate concern based on past games and the obvious "bama privilege" they get every game.

And here one in advance for tomorrow when post something like our defense sucks fire banks!

But let some ferner mess with them and see what Tennessee does. We can pick on em cause they are ultimately family. Let somebody else pick on our family? However much mess around is perpetrated on our family will be met with a proportional amount of find out from Tennesseans.
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And here one in advance for tomorrow when post something like our defense sucks fire banks!
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Unfortunately the REFS are going to play a HUGE roll in this game, they will either give us a fair chance, or shut us down... It's a legitimate concern based on past games and the obvious "bama privilege" they get every game.

I think it will be difficult to pass off some of those egregious calls/non-calls we’ve seen in the past. Those bad calls in the Texas game have gotten a lot of attention. Alabama has been flagged a lot more this year too in general. Every eye will be on this game and the SEC can’t afford to let the refs decide it.

I suspect Danny White made a few calls after some of those games last year to let the right people know we aren’t rolling over anymore.
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Vols up 41-27 with less than a min on the clock, 2nd and 2, first down ices the game…

Darnell ear holes him on a down block on counter and teabags him on the way up. Small for a gain of 8. Neyland explodes, band cues up Rocky Top

Last words Henry T hears playing football in Neyland— “Loyalty, b****”
To be fair, Napier kept them in the game with his lay it all on the line strategy. He knew he was outmanned and couldn’t stop our offense so he went for all those 4th downs even in their own territory. If they hadn’t converted most of those then it’s a blowout and an easily questionable move. But they did.
I love how coaches like him and Kelly “know they’re outmanned” yet the roster ranking have both those teams rated above us?
We are playing with house money rt now. The pressure isn’t on us, it’s on them. We are way ahead of schedule in this rebuild and far surpassing expectations. In no way, should we risk further injury to Tillman by putting him out there before he’s ready. What kind of message would that send to recruits? It would be nice to have him, but I’ll take the culture that Heupel is fostering over a toxic win at all costs mentality.
Exactly which is why I def feel for Bryce because if we knock him out the game and possibly hurt his career, that’ll be all on Saban.
Eh, Tillman is great, but he's not the superman you're making him out to be. This system makes every wr look better than they would look elsewhere. Heupel is like Petrino, offensive players will always look phenomenal in his system. I'd much rather have both Tillman and BY sit out vs both of them play.

I think the refs bailed Keyton out a few times against LSU. Not that I don't agree they were DPI's, but Tillman wouldn't have needed the refs involvment and would have likely made a play anyways due to him being faster/ stronger. I'm not sure those calls will be made tomorrow.
He did say Bama wasn't forcing BY to play, but BY wants to play and thinks he can. Undoubtedly, some of it's strategy, but most players choose to play in big games if cleared. He's practicing more each day so... a less than 100% BY is better than no BY. Less than 100%-- Tillman sits.
Speaks volumes to me.. that’s the kind of coach you want
Well today, my hubby and I are celebrating our 22nd Wedding Anniversary..We’re going to a nice Italian restaurant here in Knoxville..and tomorrow we will be having a UT football party and celebrating a win over Bama..The Vols and Heupel ARE gonna deliver a nice present wrapped orange with a white bow and W inside of it!!
Go Vols!!
I love how coaches like him and Kelly “know they’re outmanned” yet the roster ranking have both those teams rated above us?

I’m not talking roster rankings, I’m talking eyeballs. When I say outmanned I’m not trying to diminish those wins. It’s a testament to Heup and staff that our roster situation was worse but we were clearly a huge problem for those teams bc our offense is elite.
Well today, my hubby and I are celebrating our 22nd Wedding Anniversary..We’re going to a nice Italian restaurant here in Knoxville..and tomorrow we will be having a UT football party and celebrating a win over Bama..The Vols and Heupel ARE gonna deliver a nice present wrapped orange with a white bow and W inside of it!!
Go Vols!!


J/K Happy Anniversary!
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