Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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Today is the day gents. We retake our place among college football's elite. Win or lose, they've built the appetite for the Big Orange to a feverish pitch and it can't be denied. Cats out the bag- the VOLS are back (its those damn beautiful letters atop Neyland)

We knew what this place was. What its capable of. What it means to all of us. They had no idea!

They gon' learn today.
Lol once you shoot one it’s 110% nothing but work. Going off measurements it weighed 320.

Bear around Tennessee are dumpster divers, so eating them is completely discretionary. They carry a lot of parasites, western and more remote bear are clean and great to eat. I once saw an East Tennessee bear with a diaper in its mouth.

This bear (and one other) have been eating (or at least killing) a farmers goats for the last 6 months. We have videos. He went from 32 goats to 15 in 6 months.
"You are what you eat." This is why grain-finished beef tastes "better" than grass-fed. Ever had beef that tastes like a pasture? A mountain deer browsing twigs will taste different from one eating corn and soybeans out of a field. Bears no different. Dumpster divers won't taste very good... BUT its hard to beat bear meat and fat from one that's been gorging on "akerns" or fruit from blueberries, persimmons, apples, pears etc.

Sucks that guy lost his goats.

For Eastern meat, freezing it for >1 month is usually enough to kill everything. Or just cook it thoroughly. I do both lol.
Gooood Morning Volnation!! Woke up feeling it in the air. I don’t dream often but last night I dreamed I didn’t have a chance to watch the game…I came into the room to check the score…game is about over and the scoreboard read 50-20 Tennessee and time was winding down. So that’s what I am going with.
Bryce plays healthy, it’s strength on weakness. Will need to score in 40s for a shot.

Also how does Pete Thamel know who is and who’s not for us ahead of Knox reporters? Not saying he is wrong.

BY will play but hes not healthy no matter what they say.

Just sucks we lost Cedric against f'n Akron and he's missing his 3rd straight big game. Hate it for him. He would have had a lot of 1on 1s this game.
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