Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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Okay, my plan worked . I would be in real time and we’d lose with k/d/b/p. I switched it up and we’re 6-0.

We’re in San Antonio for my son’s parents weekend for his college. Texas A&M San Antonio.

I was driving for the last two series with my son giving me the play by play. Totally ran a red light when bama missed their field goal.

I have had no less than 100 congratulations from the hotel to the airport. It’s a great day to be a Tennessee Volunteer (as is everyday by the way)

Okay Week 6 game completed.
Best team won.
Vols are now 6-0 😎

Need I say it ????

15-0 🤠

Hats off the RANDY BOYD. No one has done more to put UT in a winning position than him. From keeping Rick Barnes to empowering UTK to get Danny White as AD, there's so much to be thankful for from Boyd's leadership. UT is very fortunate to have him at the helm. He should have been Governor.
Forget that…. I care about the football program more than who the governor is….. Great job by Boyd, Plowman, and White…. Our leadership is top notch.
I find it so fitting that we finally beat Bama with a supremely ugly, wobbly, and very uncertain looking FG. I thought for sure it was short. And it barely cleared the crossbar. But it was enough. It summed up the game. It took everything we had to get over the hump, and we just barely made it. But we made it nonetheless.
I apologize and will take an L. I’m just defensive for our coaching staff at this point. As far as I’m concerned they are all football savants and American heroes.
No worries. I get it. I just think when it was man or tighter zone, we had better results. Then it's soft zone for 3rd down. With how fast the offense is, the defense doesn't need to shoot themselves in the foot by giving a drive extension opportunity.
I rewatching the fourth quarter. Boy the ups and downs! Knowing the outcome (this time) I can appreciate Gibbs' athleticism and Young's ability to ball so much more now.!
Probably the two best offensive players we’ll see all year next to Bowers for UGA.
At 51, I’ve seen Tennessee at its best. My adult children haven’t until now or were young and don’t remember.

My kids like so many young VOL fans have followed by blind faith and tradition. I’m so glad a generation of young fans are finally witnessing what most of have already experienced.

My 13 year old is wearing his Vol gear to school out here with a little extra swagger this week.
I'm still taking in last night and trying to process it. The honest truth is I can't put it into words. Happiness, jubilation, overwhelming joy... I can't really find the words to exactly describe how I feel. But to finally be relevant again after so many years of not being relevant. Six years ago, I lost my dad, to the same disease I was fighting at the time. Five years ago, I almost died. I was knocking at death's door waiting on a liver transplant. Even my surgeon said he was surprised I made it. I was easily at my lowest point. So I was grasping for hope wherever I could find it, and Tennessee football has always been a passion. I wanted so bad for us to be good again, and for me to be alive to see it. Honestly, I didn't think I would. But now it's here, and I just have no real words to express what it means. It's just a game, but for some of us, it's come to mean so much more. I know outsiders would consider the passion strange, and unreasonable, and probably dumb, possibly insane. But I know at least some of you get it. I'm finally getting to see my Vols on top again. And it means so much to me. I don't care if people don't understand, or if they think it dumb. If I died right now, it would be with a smile on my face. Because the Vols being good makes me happy.
Damn onions started bothering me, Weezer.🧡🤍
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