Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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Okay - let's talk about the things that didn't go well:

What happened on the mesh/fumble? Was that Hooker not being decisive? Or did he pull it too late?

And what happened on the INT - he had Bru open... he over threw him. I think he had some pressure in his face and couldn't really step into it. Not a big deal. It happens.

I’m convinced both of those plays were because Hooker wanted them to think they would win before he ripped their soul out. Well played, Hooker.

Dammit, thank you for posting this. I literally cried again watching this and especially hearing John’s voice again calling a game. It means so much to us older fans. I still remember my dad tuning a game in when I was nine years old. Bill Battle was the coach then. We were driving through the Smokies on a crisp autumn day. I can still remember how the sun felt on my face (I was lucky that day and got to sit in the front seat). I knew nothing about Tennessee football, but dad was trying to listen to the game and wanted us to keep it down. I started listening and John Wards voice Captured me. His enthusiasm calling it got me and it got me through high school, college and the military. The goat. Thank you.
Okay - let's talk about the things that didn't go well:

What happened on the mesh/fumble? Was that Hooker not being decisive? Or did he pull it too late?

And what happened on the INT - he had Bru open... he over threw him. I think he had some pressure in his face and couldn't really step into it. Not a big deal. It happens.
Let’s not.
I sure do miss him calling the games. John Ward was one of a kind.
He painted a is just a gift some have...and others don't. I do not understand how Boring Bob Kesling even got the job, and I really don't understand why he still has it.

This is the next big thing we need to get DW on. I appreciate the years of service, but for the love of everything good and Orange in this world...can we PLEASE get a talented broadcast crew that at least sounds like they giva💩 about the Vols?

Do we not deserve better than the talentless, boring, uninspired, unimaginative crap we have had forced on us since the GOAT retired?

This is NOT a personal attack on is not his fault that he is what he is. It is whoever it us in charge that has let him hold that job for all these years when it was abundantly obvious right away that he was no good at it.

Come on Danny...git'r'done!
Finally got done going through the last 50 pages and handing out a ton of likes.

Bama's safety Hellams is going to have nightmares about Hyatt. I think the guy was responsible for one-on-one coverage or safety help on four of his five TDs. Just couldn't handle dude's speed at all. The funny thing (in hindsight) is that Hellams also had the pick on Hooker's overthrow over the middle to McCoy. That's probably yet another TD with #2 in the background if Hooker's pass was accurate, because nobody else was in the area code. Just sailed it. Happens.

All game long, there were only two offensive drives where I came away thinking "hey, credit to their defense... they got us that time"... and one of them was immediately erased by their muffed punt. Otherwise, we either scored or just didn't execute on plays that were there to be made. Nobody is going to make every single play, but that does speak to how great our offensive gameplan was for this one. We were prepared, we played hard, and we put that defense through a f***ing meat grinder.

A lot of our dudes made money yesterday. Hooker and Hyatt go without saying, but also this O line is a group of savages and it's time to seriously consider whether they may be the best group in the country. People forgot Will Anderson's name last night. Nobody else has done that to that dude.

Still glowing about this one, and I will be for a while. We are BACK.
Really glad we have UTM this week. We'd be set up for the quintessential trap game if the opponent was remotely competitive.

Smart schedule now for sure. Its almost like an open date. No not taking them light just go play like we normally do and I would sit as many starters from somewhere in the second qt. on assuming we have a commanding lead. SEC is so demanding and beats you up. It would be nice to give our starters a rest. Another great advantage is getting over such an emotional game.
Okay - let's talk about the things that didn't go well:

What happened on the mesh/fumble? Was that Hooker not being decisive? Or did he pull it too late?

And what happened on the INT - he had Bru open... he over threw him. I think he had some pressure in his face and couldn't really step into it. Not a big deal. It happens.
1. Indecisive. Hendon was going to keep it. If you watch the play from behind, you can see there was a Bama defender off the right side that was going to tackle him for a loss or no gain. So he tried to shove it back in there and Jabari had already bailed on getting it. Bama played it well. Would've been no gain either way.
2. The pocket collapsed so he couldn't step into the throw. He's standing straight up and armed it while getting hit. Same as the last pass to Bru and the interception that was called back for PI at the goal line. Poor mechanics due to pressure and trying to make a play, throw was high, Bama safety in the right place at the right time.

That's what I took from both plays.
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I apologize to all the VN ladies. Please don't tell my wife I posted that.
Dear Mrs. Glitch,

Attached to this letter is a screen shot of a misogynist statement made by your husband on VolNation. Please punish him accordingly.

Sincerely, Weezer.

P.S. - Please make him clear his notification.
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