Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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Looking at Hooker's play and thinking back to all the vitriolic arguments on here between the pro-Bailey, pro-whomever crowds, can we just ask two simple things of VN going forward:

Please stop picking your QB, getting emotionally invested in that pick, and stinking up the forum for years on end.

Please. And:

Secondly, VN... Please hold the people that refuse to do that accountable. Mock them mercilessly until they stop or leave. Give them the reply, post, GIF, meme equivalent of being tazed.

I was fully on the Bailey Train. Didn't think Hendon or Milton would be worth a plugged nickel. I was not prepared for the coaching staff to actually develop players and help them improve over time. I was under the impression that it was the job of the coaches to have a little success initially, watch that success sour suddenly, and then collect their buyout check. Hendon could still get better, and that is incredible. Milton has looked light years better than last year in the limited time we have gotten to see him. With coaches that actually coach and develop our players, I don't think you will need to worry about posters getting bent out of shape over this player or that. The product on the field is continuing to improve and that will shut most of the complaining up.
Changing the Transmission was huge for the Pathfinder. I'm a Nissan guy, but avoid the CVT Nissans. My best friend is a UTK engineering grad and works for Nissan (just got the call up from Japan headquarters to work there for 2 years because he's so good at what he does), mostly on Pathfinders (they're letting him have design input on the remodel coming in 5 ish years). My mom's Pathfinder has the CVT and always has problems. Never had any problems from the other 3 Nissans in our family. He has flatly said to get rid of that Pathfinder lol.

But the new transmission Pathfinders are one of their best vehicles.
My wife has a 2015 Murano. I worry about that transmission all the time. I figure it's just a matter of time before we have issues with it.
I was fully on the Bailey Train. Didn't think Hendon or Milton would be worth a plugged nickel. I was not prepared for the coaching staff to actually develop players and help them improve over time. I was under the impression that it was the job of the coaches to have a little success initially, watch that success sour suddenly, and then collect their buyout check. Hendon could still get better, and that is incredible. Milton has looked light years better than last year in the limited time we have gotten to see him. With coaches that actually coach and develop our players, I don't think you will need to worry about posters getting bent out of shape over this player or that. The product on the field is continuing to improve and that will shut most of the complaining up.
I have faith in the coaches. Not so much in VN. Do me a solid and get the memes and gifs prepped.

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Yeah no clue how anyone doesn't see that as PI. Fant was going for a catchable ball that wasn't tipped, Bama defender runs into him and makes contact well before the ball arrives. Pretty textbook PI imo.

If they are going to call our DB getting pulled down by a Bama WR in the end zone then how would you NOT call that one.
Also, look at our reciever behind those guys. He's on the ground. Looks like he got knocked down before the ball got there too.
Changing the Transmission was huge for the Pathfinder. I'm a Nissan guy, but avoid the CVT Nissans. My best friend is a UTK engineering grad and works for Nissan (just got the call up from Japan headquarters to work there for 2 years because he's so good at what he does), mostly on Pathfinders (they're letting him have design input on the remodel coming in 5 ish years). My mom's Pathfinder has the CVT and always has problems. Never had any problems from the other 3 Nissans in our family. He has flatly said to get rid of that Pathfinder lol.

But the new transmission Pathfinders are one of their best vehicles.
Both my parents' Altimas had the transmission die before 80k miles. One before the 75k warranty one after. I'll never buy Nissan again, it's been like a decade of bad transmissions and (more importantly) Nissan not even discounting repairs for what is clearly a systemic fault on their end.
Any self respecting Vol fan that is married to a bammer (we can discuss this later) should have made them wait in the stands while they went and celebrated. The bammer's in those relationships have been celebrating wins for the last 15 years. They shouldn't be allowed to piggyback on the UT win and get to celebrate that as well. 🐎💩 is what that is...🐎💩..
We’re very likely going to the playoffs this year. Truly remarkable.

UGA is the only team left that can beat us and if they do we’ll avoid the SECC and slide into playoffs. Or if we win out we’ll make playoffs with a win or loss in SECC.

Think about that? Unless we really screw up we’re playoff bound.
My only concern is whether or not we can keeps our RBs and DBs healthy for our last few games. I don’t want to drop one because of our depth issues at RB and DB. Small and Wright’s pass protection goes unnoticed, they would be key losses. Having Walk-on DBs is also a concern with Kentucky and Georgia coming up.
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