Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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What a douche! This guy questions Herbstreitā€™s objectivity when he ranks UT #2 in the nation because he lives in Franklin, TN (yet his sons play at Clemson). Meanwhile, heā€™s actively arguing that Georgia might have the most impressive resume in college football (which is an absolute joke right now) and should be ranked #1 while he has Georgia memorabilia on the shelf behind him, heā€™s actively selling a Georgia book, and heā€™s offering his listeners a discount code for Doordash with ā€œDAWGSā€ prominently included in the discount code.
Right!? He acts as if Tennessee has played Marion County High School for six weeks in a row while Georgia is playing the all-conference squad from Mount Olympus and Mike Ditkaā€™s 85 Bears team.
You know how we know Bama is on the downward and not acting like themselves; they are crying over a loss and blaming refs. If they were honest, they would know that they should have lost to Texas and they won because of officiating. They gave up 52 points to us. Thatā€™s why you lost. I love the tears and ā€œanxiety.ā€ Our team is never anxious and you can tell they expect to win no matter what. Decade of the Vols.
They were "anxious" about a team who has been terrible for years while they dominated college football. . .they just don't want to admit Tennessee is now better than they are. They'd rather claim any other reason for the loss, as long as it keeps Tennessee from being credited as the superior team. . .

Hey, that has a nice ring to it. . .

Tennessee football is superior to Alabama.
No reason to speculate here. Athletes die of congenital issues that are never identified by physicians. Look at Hank Gathers from Loyola Marymount as an example.
Yea. Healthy athletes die all the time . Seems to be happening alot since like ummm. 2021 to now. But hey , wouldn't wanna go against mainstream profit
this is what it would look like

Just worried about people not wearing black in their section. There were quite a few that didnā€™t wear orange in the orange out.
I think he is pushing his way toward the 2nd or first round of the draftā€¦. The biggest complaints/concerns about Hooker is his arm strength and possibility of him being a ā€œsystemā€ qb.
Hooker is going to be a good NFL QB. The guy is accurate, very smart, and poised. We used to question is arm strength, but his deep ball is amazing. I feel like I have seen him make every throw.

I said after the UF game he was behind Manning and Shuler for me. He has passed Shuler.
Do you really believe he landed an average #2 class for 15 years because he is a good recruiter? Where do you think our Gump bums learned to do what they did? I guess you believe Kirby is doing it now because he is a good

It cracks you up for me to say what I believe...well I find it hilarious that you believe he is just that awesome.

He is a really good coach who I will admit is the greatest at staying hungry and unsatisfied. He is an absolutely miserable freak of nature in that way.

I hope Heupel has a great long term career doing it his way....actually loving his job and enjoying himself. I believe he is also very driven to succeed and remain successful...just in a completely different more human way.
I 100% agree that Heupel is a better human being and I love the way he represents our program. In my opinion, he is the next big time SEC coach.

Saban recruited exactly the way everyone else did. Cheat your ass off, land studs, etc. I don't want to admit that he has been the greatest coach of the recent era but he is. It's amazes me how he can continue a dynasty year after year while losing his entire staff most years. I agree the man is a prick, but the players love the guy for some reason.

I wasn't calling you out specifically. I hear this in multiple circles. The fact of the matter is that half of their job is to land elite recruits to win with and build a winning culture with them. And yes, Kirby smart is a damn good coach. He's not the best, but any coach that wins a title is a damn good coach, period.
You know thatā€™s a girl, right? And she wasnā€™t in his face. She was actually moving to get out of his way.

Whatā€™s wrong with you, bro?

It doesn't matter who he hit in that sense - you don't go around swatting people who aren't even in your way. The fact that she was a she just reveals that his character is that of someone who likes to pick on people smaller than him that won't hit him back. Of course, transferring from UGA to BAMA says as much.
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