Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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Just woken from REM sleep by my dog going absolutely nuts. Let him outside and heard what sounded like a woman (but not quite) screaming from behind the elementary school where my house backs up to.
Some quick research showed it was the mating call of a female fox. Kind of neat, though, I wish it wasn't at 3:00 a.m. Also, before I figured out what it was, it was the creepiest thing I've experienced in a long time.
You can hear what it sounds like at the link.

This happened to me a few years ago, before I realized what it was. I was sitting on the back deck around midnight and started hearing this terrible scream. It's crazy the places your mind will take you when you aren't sure what you're hearing. About 20minutes passed and I started hearing sirens. Someone else must've thought a woman was getting murdered too and called in. My old nighbor friend woke up, came outside and told me it was a fox. I had to look up fox screams on YouTube before I believed him.

Not sure how I've lived in the south so long and didn't know this. Now there are several of them in my neighborhood, along with a few coyotes. 😆



Lol hell no. But my reasoning is because 1) I’m hardheaded as hell like my dad and 2) I just got out from under medical bills I’ve been paying on for 2+ years literally a month ago so I really don’t want to get more😂
I say this because I care about you............................but go to the ****ing doctor.
Lol hell no. But my reasoning is because 1) I’m hardheaded as hell like my dad and 2) I just got out from under medical bills I’ve been paying on for 2+ years literally a month ago so I really don’t want to get more😂
No health insurance?
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Punching another person is not football field ****. He was being a sore loser trying to take his aggression out on the closet person he perceived as an antagonist. It was probably a decision made in a moment of hurt. I won't vilify him, but a private apology to the young lady would be appropriate.
Plus he’s strong freaking strong, and he could have really hurt her.. she looks fine, but crazy things happen
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wait, UK -5? or am i misreading this...?

if it's us -5, at home....hell, UK fans will be betting on TN with that line. i will be shocked if it doesn't move a lot.

of course, that's probably just a statement on defense, what's the o/u?

56, according to that. Projected score of something like 31-25.
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Summit Blue on Homecoming Weekend on the uniforms, absolutely would mean a lot. Hell just outline the white numbers with it on the orange uniforms and I'd be pretty tickled.
My thoughts have always been. Blue stripe down the helmet, Blue outline on the jerseys, Blue stripe down the pants, blue gloves sleeves, mouthpieces. Take the items and auction them off and donate the money to the PS foundation.
Unrelated...any of you morans know much about mechanics?

My 2009 Ford Escape (the one I want to trade in...but also may just try to fix) has the weirdest issue going on. The battery which is less than 3 months old (could be a lemon, gonna have a few auto parts stores test it and see what they say) will just straight up not have enough juice to start the car. But when I put a volt meter on it reads at 12v and when the car is running reads at 14v (so I am assuming the alternator is working as expected).

But this morning I jumped off, let it warm up in the driveway for a good 10-15 minutes (long enough to heat the frost off windows). Then I drive it about half an hour on the way to work, stop at a gas station to grab a drink and fill up. Turn it off and go in, no lights left on or anything. Come back out and fill up, get in the car to crank it over, put the key in and prime the fuel pump everything working as expected (lights come on dash as normal, hear the fuel pump etc.) then I turn from "on" to "start" and everything goes off and it acts like it's dead. Cycled the key a few times and still nothing. Toss the jump box on and it fires right up, drive to work without issue.

I really don't think it's the battery but I also don't know what else I can check at this point. Could the ignition be going out or something?
Sounds like a bad battery, or alternator, or starter, or . . .
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