Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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If they do that...then they better be prepared to be told where to go play, and how much they can make...because a cap and a draft come right behind it. If you wanna be an actually employee...then you have to take the bad along with the good benefits, they can't have it both ways.
Yep. Being an “amateur” has its perks. So does being an employee, obviously. But right now has to be the best time in history to be a college athlete. If they get greedy, they will make it far worse for themselves.
Only 1 made it without winning their division and I think they'll cling to that fact more
Assuming we would OBVIOUSLY be no worse than top 6 even if we won every remaining game by 1 point lol:

#5 ND (no division to consider)
#6 OSU - 2nd in division but with TWO losses. We wouldn't expect to get in either with 2 Ls

#5 TAMU - The BIG thing being a wonky season, so TAMU was only 8-1...not 11-1 with a host of big wins.

#6 OU - won division

#5 UGA and #6 OU won their divisions

#5 UGA and #6 OSU won their divisions

#5 OSU and #6 Wiscy won their divisions

#5 Mich and #6 PSU both lost their division, but had 2 losses each.

#5 Iowa - won division lost conf championship

#6 Stanford - won division

#5 Baylor
#6 TCU

No divisions fwir

Fwiw I do believe this would be the first ever divisional foes making the playoff. Odd considering Bama/LSU did it during the BCS era. And I do think it's even more acceptable. Can't help if the clear cut #1 just so happens to be in your division and forced to play, while being your only loss. It sure af doesn't mean you aren't a top 4 team, by any means. Especially when #6 lost by 46 points...👀
Pate mentioned recently about the insanity that is about to ensue with the transfer portal. Coaches have personally told him they will lose 40% of the roster to grads and transfers. They've said it will be unlike anything college ball has ever seen.

Expect Tennessee to be on the receiving end of this chaos. We will eat.
I hope so...a LOT of kids in the middle are going to get lost in the chaos that is about to ensue. They are going to find out very early in life that there is a huge downside to this greedy chaos. It will work out for a relative few, but I don't think it will be good for as many as they think...I think a lot of them will find themselves in a mess that will cause them to ultimately fail at developing enough to get to the next level.
He’s doing great. We have a perfect storm this year of upper class man on both lines, a great QB, and WR play. If we want to be perennial like GA, AL, OSU, etc. have to keep tuning over high quality talent every year. Or we will Yo-Yo with a lot of 3 loss seasons mixed with seasons like this year.
If our down years are 3-loss years, I'll take it.
Should check out Conan's travel to Iceland on HBO.

He literally was there at same time Trump was saying we were going to buy the Island.

Tourism soared. People ate it up. Loved idea of being part od US, but despised Trump. One girl laughed at idea US was so gun crazy saying everyone in Iceland owns a gun. Just that she knew how to gut and part a deer. Insinuating we are all fat, lazy, apathetic slobs.

I thought that was Greenland, not Iceland.
Completely fair. When you consider it was in response to PROJECTIONS for next year based on talent level. I (think I) see your point but reject that line of thinking. We've underestimated the talent level on this roster and that carries over to our current commits and eventual signing list...jmo.
I agree with I originally said...I don't think that way, I was just saying that is why some are "freaking out" or otherwise bitching/whining/moping over the current spot in recruiting.
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