Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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Most frustrating possession for Colorado defense. They blew about 4 opportunities to make a stop to have the refs give USC a TD
LCAC. My memory is not as good as it once was and had to google for jogging the memory. Thank God, I’m not as old as you or @InVOLuntary. But I do remember when they rolled out the Landing Craft. My ex husband was attached to the LSD 41.

This was to BaldBiker’s comment and shows that in my edit. I blame Glitch and his hoarding.

Are you on the sauce again, granny? What's this about you and LSD?
@SoilVol Hope your little one is still on the mend. My son, who is 12 now, had to spend a couple days in the hospital with RSV when he was about 18 months old. As sick as he was, once they started the medicines he was back to normal in no time flat.
Hoping for a positive turn tomorrow. I feel like her coughs are still productive and her snot is going down. She's just in a lot of pain from the ear infection. We've had a couple of 30-60 minute crying and sobbing sessions when the Tylenol starts wearing off. Hoping those antibiotics kick in soon.

I truly appreciate everyone's prayers and well wishes. It's meant a lot for this new dad. Nothing hurts my heart more than holding her while she cries.

Now I know why dad's bring out shotguns for first dates.
Your words.
Exactly… which Pate said he needs to look at his staff and he may “potentially” make changes. I made sure to include potentially. Mentioned coaches held out initially and now would say yes if given a call by Heupel. As shown in the video…. lol. But go off… seems like you’re the one imagining things.
As others have pointed out the problem with throwing money like this is you can't sustain it. The money to bring recruits in next year goes to someone else. These guys are going to expect the same if not more next year. It isn't sustainable. You pick and choose those deals you set up front and let the majority of players earn their deals.
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How is it florida is having all this recruiting success? we're finally 8-1...
They're desperate so they're spending as much as they can I'm sure. The problem is that ain't sustainable. When they're "better" they're gonna have recruits say, "Well last year you paid a guy with a lesser recruiting ranking X amount. Why aren't you offering me more?

I still think we are doing it the right way and it'll be more sustainable down the road and translate to long term success with less turnover. Yes, we are going to miss the money chasing guys. But we need to establish a standard price tag for position and where we value the player then tell them they earn what they make beyond that.
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