Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Serious question for people who know. (I mean who actually know, LV). Do you think Huep's strategy will continue to be to target only a small number of 'his guys' on the top board? Will we continue to delve into ze portals? What's with all the PWO's?

@Glitch this one's for you. Seems things are difficult on the trail.

Seems like things are really hard right now, really up and down.

wtf its February.
Serious question for people who know. (I mean who actually know, LV). Do you think Huep's strategy will continue to be to target only a small number of 'his guys' on the top board? Will we continue to delve into ze portals? What's with all the PWO's?

@Glitch this one's for you. Seems things are difficult on the trail.

Seems like it's super hard.
PWO’s are not unique to UT. These are at least FCS level athletes (usually higher) willing to foot their own scholarship costs for a chance at a dream. Furthest from a problem.

It’s February.
wtf its February.
PWO’s are not unique to UT. These are at least FCS level athletes (usually higher) willing to foot their own scholarship costs for a chance at a dream. Furthest from a problem.

It’s February.

1) We are now discussing Recruiting in the RF
2) #its February, is back!
I normally restrain from expressing negative comments on VN. But tonight, I need to vent. The performance of the LVs was embarrassing. They can't pass the ball without it being intercepted. Do they have a clue how to feed the post/ block? They don't run any semblance of an offense. Standing around isn't an offense. They constantly lose their players on defense because of ball watching. There was effort, but they need to play a much higher level of basketball. Good grief. Danny's got some serious decisions to make. No one wants Kelly to succeed more than me, but she just isn't getting the job done. Sadly, time for a change.

Haha. In my post, I accidently said Holly. It was my subconscious at work!!!! I did an edit for that and spelling!!!

It's simple. They have no collegiate level offensive system and they do not value the basketball, which is why the turnovers are so bad. That issue is schematic along with a lack of personal player discipline. Add in a head coach who will not administer discipline when they do it.

We have seen it for years now with her and Holly before her. The recruiting falls off as a result because parents of elite players are not going to send their kids to a school to be left undeveloped.

This needs to come to an end after this season or it will fester and make the climb out of it harder just like it did with all of the men's sports in the past.
I just said it was AVERAGE. Don't be MEAN.
Sorry, don't know any other Tennessee fans here. We do have neighbors who lived in Martin, TN for a number of years.

We're retired now after ten years of farming. We moved here to rockhound this area; lots of old zinc & fluorite mines here in SW NM and Cochise Co., AZ. Year-round golfing too.
I watch a few rockhound guys on looks like a fun hobby.
Lol okay guy
You people never want to call a spade a types make excuses for every freaking dumb-selfish thing these idiots do.

I did a lot of stupid 💩 when I was young...but I don't say "well I was just young and dumb"...I just call it what it was...pure f'n stupidity that I regret every day of my life.

I hope the kid learned his expensive lesson and gets another shot at a lottery ticket someday...but I do NOT feel sorry for him.
You people never want to call a spade a types make excuses for every freaking dumb-selfish thing these idiots do.

I did a lot of stupid 💩 when I was young...but I don't say "well I was just young and dumb"...I just call it what it was...pure f'n stupidity that I regret every day of my life.

I hope the kid learned his expensive lesson and gets another shot at a lottery ticket someday...but I do NOT feel sorry for him.
You people? I’m greatly offended, bud.
🦬💩...some people actually believe in keeping their word..and some people don't believe money is speak for your self.
We do it all the time…. I almost left my job bc someone offered me a lot more money…. My job came back and gave me raise…. It wasn’t as much but it was enough to get me to stay bc I liked the area. The money I was offered wasn’t close to 13,000,000…. His contract with Miami gave him an out…. He just had to pay back the money which he did…. You are FOS if you believe that the majority on this board would not have said yes if 13,000,000 dollars came calling.
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