Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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I think the basketball team has been playing through injuries since last season. Went all in physically last year, for good reason, we had an elite team. I think the way we lost fueled the team to rage train this offseason as well. I just don't think we ever got and stayed fully healthy. Plus the way that we play, it's taxing. I don't think this team would have it any other way, the culture of the team is obviously built on heart and brotherhood. That's why you had Santi playing with a bum shoulder and ZZ playing on a sore/swollen knee. Wear and tear caught up.

Not that most teams don't deal with injuries. I think our guys just have nagging issues that they've never acknowledged or treated fully because they've been on a mission from hell. That's why we love them.

I still think we can do something special in the SECT and/or NCAAT.
I don’t believe it would have been more severe…. I have seen program after program snub their nose at the NCAA and get nothing more than a slap on the wrist…. No way to prove it one way or the other now though…
First I'd ask for a specific example. Miami a few years ago doesn't count because the investigators got ahead of themselves and had to drop it. Second I'd ask the rhetorical question of whether you've been in a coma since the 80's? We don't get the same treatment. ;)
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Donte lover. She’s actually done a good job but screwed this up.
Thornton? Guilty. Donde? She's done both a good job and handled this perfectly. Errybody has been wishy washy on this and that ain't changing til the final ACTUAL verdict is in. If they do nail us it's on them. If they had nailed us when they eventually caught us for a portion of what was done under would've been earned and both Plowman and Boyd would have been booted AND unemployable.
If the NCAA tries to come down hard on us we need to take them to court. Pure and simple, I cannot fathom they would try to punish folks that had nothing to do with it. Not even to mention the university caught this themselves and terminated everyone involved. Take them to COURT if this comes to pass. GBO

The problem with taking them to court is that they are a regulatory body that we voluntarily joined and agreed to subject ourselves to. It's a lot like binding arbitration - if you're in a state that sneaks that in to various contracts (employment or otherwise) or you get conned into agreeing to it you're stuck with whatever they decide and they usually decide in favor of the company (in this case the company line). Fortunately, unlike binding arbitration, we can still sue but it's not as simple as a normal lawsuit (it's easier for players to sue and easier for coaches to sue but the schools are members).

Personally, I think the NCAA needs to form a committee to examine how they can make their process and rulings far more transparent to the general public while still protecting those involved in the process from undue scrutiny as the general public doesn't need to know everything but there's also a lot they could be more forthcoming with. They also need to institute a policy where they basically write an explainer to their rulings that lays out their reasoning and/or if they already do that then they need to do a better job of publicizing it.

The NCAA's problem when it comes to rules enforcement is the perception that some schools get preferential treatment and transparency along with better communication could help ease that. Fans are never going to love a regulatory body that hits their team but if it were perceived as being fair and transparent, I think there would be a lot less hostility towards it.
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Public school. Just have a lot of wealthy alumni who donate for all this ****. Football stadium has a 30’x30’ one too.

Even still, @Ulysees E. McGill thinks all the money they dump in athletics would be better spent on education. I agree, but that doesn’t make for good bragging rights I guess.
Nope... eff the egg head commie indoctrinators....I hate em all 😏
Wow, I'm just now seeing the Roger news. So heartbreaking. I'll admit his stuttering was aggravating at times, but you could never doubt Rogers love for the Vols. A life gone too soon.

Stories start about 55 minutes into today’s show.

The Tony Basilio Show
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