Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Love poutine. There is an Indian place here in Nashville that makes an Indian poutine and itā€™s probably my favorite alternate version Iā€™ve ever had. The gravy is substituted for an Indian gravy, canā€™t remember itā€™s name, plus it adds tandoori chicken and then everything else is the same. I was skeptical when I saw it on the menu but knew I needed to try it. Glad I did.

Welp, now you've done it. Guess it's Indian for dinner.
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I'll get on that shortly after I finish the mayo french never.

Belgium, France, and the Netherlands are disappointed. And I know you don't want to disappoint an entire nation that reps orange so close to UT orange and makes an entire holiday of the color. Besides, Amsterdam is one of the coolest cities on the planet. šŸ˜€

In all seriousness, Mayo is just simplified/more oil-based Hollandaise Sauce which is likely the reason for its popularity on fries there. They take the 5 mother sauces seriously and mayo is decent substitute for Hollandaise for something like fries.
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Belgium, France, and the Netherlands are disappointed. And I know you don't want to disappoint an entire nation that reps orange so close to UT orange and makes an entire holiday of the color. Besides, Amsterdam is one of the coolest cities on the planet. šŸ˜€

In all seriousness, Mayo is just simplified/more oil-based Hollandaise Sauce which is likely the reason for its popularity on fries there. They take the 5 mother sauces seriously and mayo is decent substitute for Hollandaise for something like fries.
I can't believe I was arguing with someone that can give that beautiful a defense of mayo.
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Belgium, France, and the Netherlands are disappointed. And I know you don't want to disappoint an entire nation that reps orange so close to UT orange and makes an entire holiday of the color. Besides, Amsterdam is one of the coolest cities on the planet. šŸ˜€

In all seriousness, Mayo is just simplified/more oil-based Hollandaise Sauce which is likely the reason for its popularity on fries there. They take the 5 mother sauces seriously and mayo is decent substitute for Hollandaise for something like fries.

I have zero problem with mayo. In sauces. In salad dressing. On sandwiches. In aiole.

But gloppy white goop must on my French fries.
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@Enki_Amenra , @UTSuaveā€™ and anybody else. I'm taking Luka to get a double/double at +140, tonight. Luka's odds are never that high on that bet. Probably, going to throw a little small bet on him getting a triple/double, at +850. But, I'm not recommending it, Kyrie and him are struggling since that trade
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I have zero problem with mayo. In sauces. In salad dressing. On sandwiches. In aiole.

But gloppy white goop must on my French fries.

I mean I wouldn't eat it gooped on (that's gross) but on occassion I have dipped my fries in mayo.
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I have zero problem with mayo. In sauces. In salad dressing. On sandwiches. In aiole.

But gloppy white goop must on my French fries.
Have you tried mixing mayo with ketchup?

The ingredients of ranch, ketchup, and mayo...individually or in any combination and up to all 3 at once, can be serious gamechangers.
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