Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Is that your opinion or someone else's stupidity?
Tennessee's trajectory is better than that of Florida, A&M, Auburn. And, who knows about Bama, Oklahoma, and Texas? Seems to me that, with a rabid fan base, supportive administration and great coaching staff, our upside is very appealing. Hierarchy seems fluid to me.
Better question is how is A&M or Texas considered top half over Tennessee.

A&M has had 1 10 win seasons since 1998 and that was a decade ago in 2012.
Tennessee has had 5 and the most recent just happened.

Texas has only had 1 10 win season since 2009 and they'll be jumping into a far tougher conference.

Auburn is also questionable, but they did win the title in 2010 and went 14-0. They also made the BCS title game in 2013 with Gus and have seen a 10 win seasons since then in 2017. Far more qualified to be in the top half over Texas or A&M IMO.
Texas oil money baby
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View attachment 539152Well… Vawls get USCjr instead of Kentucky

It seems obvious to me that Georgia should get South Carolina and we should get Kentucky - those are both much more natural "rivalries" to those programs.
Also - how do you distinguish which of those two football programs is better?
They're just talking ahead of the spring meetings. The usual process is for the SEC to ask each school their preferences, the schools submit, the conference tries to accommodate, but not everybody gets what they want. It becomes a matter of negotiating with the member schools jockeying to get the most favorable outcome.

The SEC wants to preserve the traditional big rivalries (the moneymakers) and in-state rivalries, which means UT should retain Bama and Vandy. Both UT and UK want to preserve their longstanding border state game (which is UK's biggest "rivalry"), but other schools would scream like banshees if UT got everything we want. So we'll see.
We’re uk’s and vandy’s biggest rival. Good news for us 😊
Oh man. I'm sorry. I know I've liked many of your posts in various forums on VN, I couldn't believe that was yours. I missed the link

I'm not editing because I really like that gif

I even posted a pic from the article that reinforced their narrative
And dont ya think that the school hyperlinks would give a clue?
You are Double Secret Probation with me sir.
Honestly don't hate our 3 permanents...Vandy and Bama are 2 of our top 3 in games played. South Carolina is only 10th on our list, but we're their 3rd most played SEC opponent on their list. Plus I like that the 3 permanent opponents seem to all be taking into account location.

We share an enormous border with Kentucky. Every person in the state is dealing with people from Kentucky. Only people in Nashville are talking to Vandy fans (if those even exist anymore). There's literally no reason UK is not our perma. I'm mad as hell about it.
They're just talking ahead of the spring meetings. The usual process is for the SEC to ask each school their preferences, the schools submit, the conference tries to accommodate, but not everybody gets what they want. It becomes a matter of negotiating with the member schools jockeying to get the most favorable outcome.

The SEC wants to preserve the traditional big rivalries (the moneymakers) and in-state rivalries, which means UT should retain Bama and Vandy. Both UT and UK want to preserve their longstanding border state game (which is UK's biggest "rivalry"), but other schools would scream like banshees if UT got everything we want. So we'll see.

Vandy should not be treated the same as a legit in-state rivalry. They are not as important as UK.
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This whole ordeal is a nightmare (or should be) for Georgia. Not just the tragedy and loss of life, but serious organizational failings that led to this.

The SUV was a football team vehicle, not a personal vehicle. The staffer was supposed to be a responsible member of the team escorting players home. She was driving 104+ MPH and intoxicated (2x legal limit). Racing Carter, as evidenced by cameras in town, and Carter gave conflicting reports at the scene (he initially left the scene then returned saying he heard it from a distance).

If she was intoxicated leaving their championship celebration, that means Georgia provided the alcohol to the team and staff at the event. Then allowed intoxicated athletes and staff to drive university vehicles and personal vehicles home. They enabled this situation.
Can we get this shared and trending on social media?

Between this and Alabamas basketball team, the ncaa and these two programs are failing society and the rest of college athletics through their ridiculousness. Someone needs to be held accountable.
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We share an enormous border with Kentucky. Every person in the state is dealing with people from Kentucky. Only people in Nashville are talking to Vandy fans (if those even exist anymore). There's literally no reason UK is not our perma. I'm mad as hell about it.
I mean we border 8 states and South Carolina isn't even one of those. I think Kentucky is more of a natural rival for us geographically. I mean they literally hate us. Ha.

South Carolina should be Georgia for sure.
That's dumb IMO. I mean, I could live with it, but KY should be our third over SCar. KY is actually a traditional rivalry. SCar just isn't. And it has nothing to do with thinking one would be easier than the other, it's just truth. At one point, KY was a trophy game, until they decided to retire the beer barrel.

It's also huge for our basketball team. People forget that it will effect our only rivalry in basketball.

We should get together with UK, paint a beer barrel with the SEC logo and smash it to bits in protest.
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We share an enormous border with Kentucky. Every person in the state is dealing with people from Kentucky. Only people in Nashville are talking to Vandy fans (if those even exist anymore). There's literally no reason UK is not our perma. I'm mad as hell about it.

Well since it's just a random SI talking head stating it I'm not sure it's even worth being mad as hell about at this point.

SEC hasn't announced anything, it's all speculation.
I already pointed out in a previous post why it seemed weird.

1. Vick wasn't playing meaningful snaps anymore when CJ hit middle school (how is he looking up to a guy he's not watching play?)
2. CJ was a California kid...seems odd he'd pick a guy who spent his college and professional career on the East Coast

I think CJ picked 2 black QBs that are around his size...

I mean Watson was balling out for 3 seasons while CJ was in HS, so that one makes sense. A bad choice with his recent off the field issues, but if you're asking a kid who he looks up to then at least Watson was actively playing at Clemson/Houston at a time CJ would have been watching.

Just seemed like a weird pick, if CJ was from Georgia or something then I guess it wouldn't have stood out so much to me.
It’s his choices man. Who cares why he said them haha. YouTube is a magical thing. You can watch players from the past and be in awe of them
It’s his choices man. Who cares why he said them haha. YouTube is a magical thing. You can watch players from the past and be in awe of them

Well I can have an opinion on it. Assumed people were wanting me to expand on said opinion since my post was getting replied to so I did.

If you don't care then why reply to me at all?
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