Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Strange. No reason why it was deactivated, no email, etc. Tried to reach customer service. It would be easier to launch myself into orbit around the moon than it is getting in contact with them. Had to make a new account.

I changed my password a few weeks ago. Everything was working normally til today. Anyone else have an issue with your ESPN account?
I see "user not authenticated" all the time. I couldn't use it for over a month and it finally worked for TN/BC game Monday night. I had too delete the app on our smartTV and reinstall it. It's also tied in through our Dish account and will not recognize it, at times. It's the worst TV app I've ever used. I've got TN listed as "favorites" and I always have to search for TN games.

ESPN App hates us
I see "user not authenticated" all the time. I couldn't use it for over a month and it finally worked for TN/BC game Monday night. I had too delete the app on our smartTV and reinstall it. It's also tied in through our Dish account and will not recognize it, at times. It's the worst TV app I've ever used. I've got TN listed as "favorites" and I always have to search for TN games.

ESPN App hates us
ESPN is garbage. You reminded me of my issue with them, so I tried to log in. Everything worked fine, like there was never an issue. . .
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It happens to me about 3 minutes before a TN ball game is supposed to start.

*I bet Herbstreit and Reece have something to do with it.....bunch of jerks
Probably Chris Fowler too, 😆

Really, everything ESPN does is generally terrible. From their recruiting rankings/analysis to the website dependability and game broadcast scheduling.

I miss when Sportscenter was good and MTV was for music, 😆
So if a coach forbid his players from attending a political rally or protest, he wouldn't be infringing on their 1A rights?

What if a coach required his players to attend church every Sunday? Would that be okay since it would be a team rule?

Good grief…Rick Barnes ain’t the NWO gov coming to take people’s rights and guns away. There are team rules just like there are company rules. If a company tells me I can’t wear a shirt to work making a political reference, which is the case with most companies, they haven’t infringed on my 1A right. I’ll either not wear the shirt or I’ll go work somewhere else.

Believe whatever you want, but there’s nothing wrong with a coach not wanting his 18-20 year old players rolling around with guns.
Good grief…Rick Barnes ain’t the NWO gov coming to take people’s rights and guns away. There are team rules just like there are company rules. If a company tells me I can’t wear a shirt to work making a political reference, which is the case with most companies, they haven’t infringed on my 1A right. I’ll either not wear the shirt or I’ll go work somewhere else.

Believe whatever you want, but there’s nothing wrong with a coach not wanting his 18-20 year old players rolling around with guns.
As devil's advocate here, the quote was vague. It said absolutely no carrying a firearm.

Is that for team functions/property? Or absolutely no carrying a firearm at any time?

You company can make a policy about dress code on the job. They can't totally control your 1A right to expression when off hours/premesis.
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@UTSuave’ @Enki_Amenra @The Dog what are the plays today! Another great slate of games and I’m working from home!

Starting off small with Purdue, FAU, bama and the fighting Tom Izzo’s
Hell of a start, Iona. Purdue looks like a winner for you and me, unless you took the line. Bama's up 20. Haven't checked on FAU and Michigan St doesn't start until 30 minutes after the Purdue game
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Standing and shooting at stationary targets over and over would get boring to me. But, changing distances, angles and trying to be accurate changes things up a bit. There are all kinds of competitions that are serious sports, (some were even on espn).

As to paintball, at about 12 my son wanted to get into airsoft. I knew nothing about it. Researched it. Holy shiz! It was incredible how serious people took it. Old and young. Guns were into the thousands. We procured an arsenal and had fun playing.

It was a great way to teach gun safety. I purchased a cheap storage cabinet and I called it his "safe". He had to always place his guns in his safe after use. He had to always practice muzzle discipline. He had to always treat it as it was loaded. We had fun (and still have fun playing airsoft although less frequently).

I too enjoy building/constructing (as evidenced by my chosen profession). I enjoy assembling AR-15s. As a friend once told me, " ARs are like Barbie dolls for grown men." You can dress them up all different ways, different calibers, different colors, different furniture. It's a hobby I enjoy. They're fun to shoot as well. I have a range on my property and have steel to shoot at.

If you could turn some of that steel into, say, an outline of Pruitt and Dooley, then I think I'd suddenly enjoy shooting very much so.
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