Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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You seem to be missing my point. As I stated in the post before this one, I believe barnes would be in the wrong if he outright tried to prohibit his players from possessing a gun off of campus. Thought I was pretty clear with that.
Is that what he’s doing? I didn’t get that from his statement. So he WOULD be “in the wrong” if he was doing what hasn’t been verified? 🤨
Is that what he’s doing? I didn’t get that from his statement. So he WOULD be “in the wrong” if he was doing what hasn’t been verified? 🤨

Again, I never mentioned barnes to begin with. I was speaking of a hypothetical situation in which a coach forbids his players from owning a gun at all.
You seem to be missing my point. As I stated in the post before this one, I believe barnes would be in the wrong if he outright tried to prohibit his players from possessing a gun off of campus. Thought I was pretty clear with that.

I get what your point is, but I think you're going overkill on this.

What Barnes is doing is no different than what parents or leaders of young people do often. As long as you are under my roof, you will not do x y z. If you don't like it then move out.

Barnes is the head coach of the team, the patriarch of that family. What he says goes, and he has determined that "no guns" is a good rule for his team/family. He's been coaching for decades, he's probably seen pretty much everything. I am sure that he has had players that have owned guns for hunting or hobby and have been fine. I'm sure that he's been in a pinch(es) where a player shouldn't have been walking around with a firearm on them in whatever type of situation.

You are within your rights to not play for Coach Barnes if his rules aren't for you. That's for any player. I don't think he means "no guns, period, ever" I think he means "don't walk around packing your gun like you think you're John Wick."
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Again, I never mentioned barnes to begin with. I was speaking of a hypothetical situation in which a coach forbids his players from owning a gun at all.
And you posted your hypothetical in the middle of a discussion about Rick Barnes comments concerning domestic violence and guns. So you didn't have to mention him...he was already there.
I think I want this team to be better than they actually are. And with ZZ out, I worry if we'll make it out of the first weekend of Madness.
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I don't think it would have mattered if Zakai played or not. This is just who we are this year.

This has been Barnes' most unpredictable/inconsistent team since he's been at Tennessee. I think it's because of injuries and lack of player leadership

Which is odd because with the amount of experience, I'd expect this team to be more consistent. Though yes, injuries took their toll.
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