Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Mizzou is a good team and hot right now. We're down our best player and JJJ doing what JJJ does best (disappearing). Dude was a no show, I believe I counted 3pts and 1RB? Idk I could be wrong . Mashack and Key looked good tho
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Was this team really that talented after all? I had high hopes coming in to the season. But, a starting line-up of JJJ, ZZ, Viscovi, Olivier, and Phillips isn't really a personnel group that would strike fear in the hearts of others. They did do well most of the year, yes. Then there were the adjustments by other teams. Much of our season depended on Phillips progressing quickly and playing like a 5 star player and that didn't happen. I don't see us progressing past the round of 32 but I hope I'm wrong.
no true point guard is CRBs fault
Hes the HBC and lucky to have got ZZ
People gonna be pissed when this team loses first weekend but CRB deserves the criticism even though he may be the best coach we’ve had ever. Tennessee basketball is capable of winning the NC. Just need the right guy when CRB retires

This team doesn’t deserve anything higher then a 5 seed sunday
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