Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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who are these idiots that they crown as experts? there's no doubt that this is already happening.

Yup. Has literally been happening for decades 😅

Sports betting is as American as mayonnaise. Nobody needed to legalize it for it to be widespread. Sketchy players and bookies have always been happy to throw games for some $$$.
Good afternoon all. Got a couple of days off from my second job. It's amazing how well you react to working 65 to 70 hours a week once your body and mind get used to it. I haven't had much time to post.

Things have been eventful on our rescue farm. We have welcomed 4 new goat kids. I've got an older girl we fear may have cancer but are giving antibiotic to see if we can get her wound to heal.

Please, please please continue to keep us in your prayers, we need all the prayers we can't get right now. My wife still hasn't been able to find work, everyone in her field is laying off. She's applying for everything right now. Staying positive!
Have you considered starting a go fund me to help out or reaching out on social media with a weekly update on the progress of the animals you foster to get donations on going? I’m sure there’s a lot of people that will help. I know I will.
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