Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Some are expecting to see an increase in the quality of portal players after the bowl games. Essentially this would be a higher percentage of the starters and contributors who enter the portal after Bowl season ends. That’s probably who we will select from. I don’t know if that window is before or after Spring ball though.
This is what many are hoping, that another, better wave of players will enter the portal after the bowl games. I'm not entirely convinced it happens, but I really want it to. My guess is that we as fans hyped up this idea that our success this year would result in us owning in the portal, but reality has different plans. Still, hoping for the best, but can't escape this feeling of an inevitable kick in the nads.
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For the record, if I start espousing unpopular opinions, it's most likely the lack of sleep causing my filter to malfunction.
I wish we would make this thread a No LadyVols zone!

Someone always gives an update then the usual posters show up with the usual comments. Never changes.

I hope they turn the season around because they're Tennessee but opinions are not going to change. Treat them like Politics..
I wish we would make this thread a No LadyVols zone!

Someone always gives an update then the usual posters show up with the usual comments. Never changes.

I hope they turn the season around because they're Tennessee but opinions are not going to change. Treat them like Politics..
Can we make it a no soccer zone? How about a no joking zone? Even better a no @Weezer zone? How about we just scroll past post that don't interest us?
Can we make it a no soccer zone? How about a no joking zone? Even better a no @Weezer zone? How about we just scroll past post that don't interest us?
So cavalier of you to think anyone here can scroll past ANY post without comment, sir!

Well now you actually have a point. It's not like each post has a title that can help you decide if you want to read it. You need to read a post to see if it interests you, and by then it's too late. So there is no scrolling past. It's reading each one then thinking damn it I don't care about that.
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