Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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They know what the ratings are. They have to play the first two games two days before. Friday and Saturday nights are actually not the best for ratings. It’s why the highest rated college football games are in the afternoon.

I don’t like the time either, but they are trying to maximize viewers on the west coast, too.
Wait ratings matter?
Hopefully Rick takes a look at UCONN and how Hurley built them. Similar styles. Similar tempo. Defensive focused yet highly skilled offense. Their offense never goes dead like Tennessee’s does. It’s what you want if you play that tempo
Offense in transition. UConn with 11 points off turnovers. Harder to go cold when the defense doesn’t get set and you got open looks and easy at the rims.
Sdsu was only down 7 at the half vs FAU, but they got in a much bigger hole than that. I think they were down 15+ with around 11minutes left.

Edit: down 14 with 14mins left.
Levis ate a banana with the peel on. On purpose. And shared a video of it on the internet.

That should be all any GM needs to know to not draft that guy.
Lest we forget, he put mayo in his coffee and drank it, immediately turned off half of VN. Me being one of them. Actually, attention whores on social media never was my strong suit. And, who in the he!! Purposely drinks mayo just for attention??? Barbaric.
Lest we forget, he put mayo in his coffee and drank it, immediately turned off half of VN. Me being one of them. Actually, attention whores on social media never was my strong suit. And, who in the he!! Purposely drinks mayo just for attention??? Barbaric.
A future Tennessee Titan, imo.
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