Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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We’re not fighting over their interests. We’d be out of this already if it was just about them.

Our administration feels like they were misled by NCAA reps early in the process, and want a settlement closer to what was initially assured. The NCAA doesn’t feel like we’ve been punished enough, apparently, so they’ve dug in their heels on tougher sanctions.

I thought they would have come to some sort compromise by now, but if the AA wants the world to hear how big a mistake it is to cooperate with them, well, they’re about to get their wish.
Its just ridiculous that this is still going on. If this had been Alabama or Ohio State, this one have been done and over with 6 months ago. At least.
Some waterfowl researchers had a transmitter on an American black duck and it left the Obion River bottoms as the front was rolling through and made it to Kalamazoo, Michigan in 6 hrs averaging 80mph, clocking 90mph at one point, at 3,000ft elevation. So 475 miles, crossing over 5 states in 6hrs. Front gave it a pretty nice tailwind.
Wow, that’s awesome
Its just ridiculous that this is still going on. If this had been Alabama or Ohio State, this one have been done and over with 6 months ago. At least.

I can’t speak to Ohio State, but the level of cooperation we provided to the ‘AA simply wouldn’t be feasible at Alabama. Too many interests “outside” of the program that would put a stop to it.
Based. Don't tie your own noose.

I mean, hindsight is 20/20. But I think if they had a do-over, they would just pay Pruitt and then sweep as much under the rug as possible.

That strategy has been a proven winner, whereas our path will likely soon prove to have been an unsuccessful one.
We’re not fighting over their interests. We’d be out of this already if it was just about them.

Our administration feels like they were misled by NCAA reps early in the process, and want a settlement closer to what was initially assured. The NCAA doesn’t feel like we’ve been punished enough, apparently, so they’ve dug in their heels on tougher sanctions.

I thought they would have come to some sort compromise by now, but if the AA wants the world to hear how big a mistake it is to cooperate with them, well, they’re about to get their wish.
The world has seen that many times and still keeps making the same mistake.
We’re not fighting over their interests. We’d be out of this already if it was just about them.

Our administration feels like they were misled by NCAA reps early in the process, and want a settlement closer to what was initially assured. The NCAA doesn’t feel like we’ve been punished enough, apparently, so they’ve dug in their heels on tougher sanctions.

I thought they would have come to some sort compromise by now, but if the AA wants the world to hear how big a mistake it is to cooperate with them, well, they’re about to get their wish.
Admin gave the ncaa everything on a silver platter. The NCAA only cares about themselves and has no loyalty to any school. If TN gets harder, then absolutely no school will ever cooperate with AA again.
Admin gave the ncaa everything on a silver platter. The NCAA only cares about themselves and has no loyalty to any school. If TN gets harder, then absolutely no school will ever cooperate with AA again.

Something changed from the ‘AAs point-of-view between the time Heupel was hired and when the NOA was handed down. I wish I knew what it was.
I think it's BS how players and coaches that were not even in the program can be effected by a negative outcome.

Well, that was part of the “new pradigm” of enforcement that our case was supposed to be the pilot program for. But at some point along the way, that pilot was cancelled and the NCAA decided to air re-runs of their old enforcement methods instead.
April 4, 1983

Well, that was part of the “new pradigm” of enforcement that our case was supposed to be the pilot program for. But at some point along the way, that pilot was cancelled and the NCAA decided to air re-runs of their old enforcement methods instead.

Only at UT... We cooperate and get screwed worse... AA probably didn't anticipate Heup to come in and start whipping arse, so they are going to try and keep us down/handicap us to make it difficult to get to the next level... what a bunch of F'tardz

Welp I know this, whatever happens, from here on out, if the NCAA comes sniffing around the University, we need and better tell them to get the F out and do not cooperate at ALL.
We’re not fighting over their interests. We’d be out of this already if it was just about them.

Our administration feels like they were misled by NCAA reps early in the process, and want a settlement closer to what was initially assured. The NCAA doesn’t feel like we’ve been punished enough, apparently, so they’ve dug in their heels on tougher sanctions.

I thought they would have come to some sort compromise by now, but if the AA wants the world to hear how big a mistake it is to cooperate with them, well, they’re about to get their wish.
Plowman is ****ing useless. Handed the AA an open book. That's not how you handle them.
Something changed from the ‘AAs point-of-view between the time Heupel was hired and when the NOA was handed down. I wish I knew what it was.
I’ll tell you what it was…Saban and Kirby realize we are a threat to them with Danny and Heupel running this ship, so they probably called their ole buddies and told them we needed even harsher sanctions to cripple us more than we were initially.
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