Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Hogwash is right. I think it might be behind us if UT weren't doing so well and grabbing so much attention. A lot of people (especially all those shades of red teams) seem to think UT needs to be taken down a peg. Heupel's "gimmick" offense and its gaudy numbers, the big NIL deals, the celebrations (goodbye goal posts, storming the field, cheetah coat and daddy hat), anything Tony V (6 suspensions and counting). The NCAA doesn't have much power, but it's saber rattling.
Good!! Let’s keep doing what we are doing and just win…EVERYTHING!!! Screw the NCAA and especially the red teams!!!
UT is very valuable to the SEC right now. We have postseason teams in every marquee sport, and they're highly watched and heavily supported. Sankey will support what's best for the conference. UT will fight for what's best for UT. If UT has to escalate legally, then that will start behind the scenes. And it should be over quickly, with everybody getting something they want. It should've been over a long time ago.

I had a handful of random facebook friends (high school, extended family, met once, etc.) that were claiming Tennessee fandom in the middle of the football season last year. We were/are a fun team/school to bandwagon right now in multiple sports.
The impression I get is that they're looking to make it hurt. UT self-imposed, but it rubs them the wrong way that UT has actually benefited from the malfeasants being outed. I think UT wants to avoid significant across-the-board reductions and the postseason ban, which hasn't been enforced in several years. So far, probation and a hefty fine haven't been enough. I think the cooperation became more adversarial after the Failure to Monitor blindside.

This is why you never cooperate with the NCAA. Liars, cheats, and snakes the lot of them. Wanting to “make it hurt” just feels unprofessional and outside the scope of what an investigation should be about. Ironic as well considering the NCAA is facing the largest lawsuit against them in their history at the same time they are trying to sink Tennessee.

Also, using Tennessee’s own on the field success while under our own internal probation and under reduced scholarships as a reason to want more punishment for a program is ridiculous. If we still managed to win games despite being hindered by self imposed sanctions, who cares. That isn’t a legitimate argument for further punishment. Seems to me that the NCAA doesn’t care about the actual letter of the law. It wouldn’t matter if it was a 1-scholarship reduction or 100- scholarship reduction, they just want to see us lose games which is frankly embarrassing for them and what is supposed to be an unbiased institution.

TL;DR The NCAA is a dying institution with an antiquated ideology on student athletics and the sooner they are gone the better the sport will be. They do nothing for the student athlete.
I find it hilarious that the NCAA wants to kick us for spending literally tens of millions to investigate OURSELVES! We went to the bargain bin to find Coach Huepel, that no one wanted this job. That he was the right guy at the right time. Literally has a plan for everything. Kelsey Pope? Yeah right. Alek Abelin? Who'd have thunk it. And both guys are great.

**** off NCAA, I mean all way back to your hq. **** off.
A poem to brighten your day:

Birds have two legs.
Cats have four.
The NCAA can kiss our collective *****.

Thank you.

Ole Classic

Tennessee is in it for so many Top 100 prospects. More than I’ve seen in probably a decade or more since Fulmer. Feels awesome. Just hope Tennessee can grab more away from Bama, Georgia Florida etc. Tennessee football is back as I remember it
Would be surprised if it isn't a top 7 class at this point. Getting to that range on a regular basis would be yuge. We have the "do more with less" coach and philosophy.

We just need a tad more to begin with.
Alright y'all sent me down this path with Ghost of Tsushima and now I'm like a hooker whose been given that first hit of dope. I'm on the line and getting twitchy. So who is starting the fundraiser for my samurai armor? I look really good in funny hats.

In all seriousness, it's amazing amazing storytelling. When I went home to claim Jin's armor - that storyline made me cry because the character was put in a position that I'm put in all too often with the SO's illness. I love that there's a ton of seriousness in this game. It's asking moral and ethical questions that everyone should care about regardless of whether or not you're in feudal Japan or in modern day America. War in this case is a necessary evil but what tactics will you resort to and how much are you willing to compromise your beliefs and who you are in order to defeat an overwhelming enemy?

And I understand the Red Dead comparison now. That game is one of my favorites of all time because it's great storytelling and it forces you to confront time moving on and big important questions. It shows you people who are good in their cores that are forced into situations where they have to do bad things to survive and forces you to ask yourself what does that make them in the end? And what of the bad guys who wind up doing good?

I'm a firm believer that some of the best storytelling of our era is being done in games like this. Oddly enough Robert De Niro was one of the first to recognize the power of gaming as a format for art. We still need great novels and great films but games force you to be an active participant in these morality plays and I think that makes them very powerful when the writers and creative directors take on powerful stories.

So yeah, I expect some bright orange samurai armor from y'all. We can even incorporate the power T onto a Dogwood flower for my Sashimono (those little flags samurai would wear into battle). It'd be perfect :)
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