Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Alright y'all sent me down this path with Ghost of Tsushima and now I'm like a hooker whose been given that first hit of dope. I'm on the line and getting twitchy. So who is starting the fundraiser for my samurai armor? I look really good in funny hats.

In all seriousness, it's amazing amazing storytelling. When I went home to claim Jin's armor - that storyline made me cry because the character was put in a position that I'm put in all too often with the SO's illness. I love that there's a ton of seriousness in this game. It's asking moral and ethical questions that everyone should care about regardless of whether or not you're in feudal Japan or in modern day America. War in this case is a necessary evil but what tactics will you resort to and how much are you willing to compromise your beliefs and who you are in order to defeat an overwhelming enemy?

And I understand the Red Dead comparison now. That game is one of my favorites of all time because it's great storytelling and it forces you to confront time moving on and big important questions. It shows you people who are good in their cores that are forced into situations where they have to do bad things to survive and forces you to ask yourself what does that make them in the end? And what of the bad guys who wind up doing good?

I'm a firm believer that some of the best storytelling of our era is being done in games like this. Oddly enough Robert De Niro was one of the first to recognize the power of gaming as a format for art. We still need great novels and great films but games force you to be an active participant in these morality plays and I think that makes them very powerful when the writers and creative directors take on powerful stories.

So yeah, I expect some bright orange samurai armor from y'all. We can even incorporate the power T onto a Dogwood flower for my Sashimono (those little flags samurai would wear into battle). It'd be perfect :)
Alright y'all sent me down this path with Ghost of Tsushima and now I'm like a hooker whose been given that first hit of dope. I'm on the line and getting twitchy. So who is starting the fundraiser for my samurai armor? I look really good in funny hats.

In all seriousness, it's amazing amazing storytelling. When I went home to claim Jin's armor - that storyline made me cry because the character was put in a position that I'm put in all too often with the SO's illness. I love that there's a ton of seriousness in this game. It's asking moral and ethical questions that everyone should care about regardless of whether or not you're in feudal Japan or in modern day America. War in this case is a necessary evil but what tactics will you resort to and how much are you willing to compromise your beliefs and who you are in order to defeat an overwhelming enemy?

And I understand the Red Dead comparison now. That game is one of my favorites of all time because it's great storytelling and it forces you to confront time moving on and big important questions. It shows you people who are good in their cores that are forced into situations where they have to do bad things to survive and forces you to ask yourself what does that make them in the end? And what of the bad guys who wind up doing good?

I'm a firm believer that some of the best storytelling of our era is being done in games like this. Oddly enough Robert De Niro was one of the first to recognize the power of gaming as a format for art. We still need great novels and great films but games force you to be an active participant in these morality plays and I think that makes them very powerful when the writers and creative directors take on powerful stories.

So yeah, I expect some bright orange samurai armor from y'all. We can even incorporate the power T onto a Dogwood flower for my Sashimono (those little flags samurai would wear into battle). It'd be perfect :)
Sally made these for you.Screenshots_2023-04-06-00-02-32.png
Alright y'all sent me down this path with Ghost of Tsushima and now I'm like a hooker whose been given that first hit of dope. I'm on the line and getting twitchy. So who is starting the fundraiser for my samurai armor? I look really good in funny hats.

In all seriousness, it's amazing amazing storytelling. When I went home to claim Jin's armor - that storyline made me cry because the character was put in a position that I'm put in all too often with the SO's illness. I love that there's a ton of seriousness in this game. It's asking moral and ethical questions that everyone should care about regardless of whether or not you're in feudal Japan or in modern day America. War in this case is a necessary evil but what tactics will you resort to and how much are you willing to compromise your beliefs and who you are in order to defeat an overwhelming enemy?

And I understand the Red Dead comparison now. That game is one of my favorites of all time because it's great storytelling and it forces you to confront time moving on and big important questions. It shows you people who are good in their cores that are forced into situations where they have to do bad things to survive and forces you to ask yourself what does that make them in the end? And what of the bad guys who wind up doing good?

I'm a firm believer that some of the best storytelling of our era is being done in games like this. Oddly enough Robert De Niro was one of the first to recognize the power of gaming as a format for art. We still need great novels and great films but games force you to be an active participant in these morality plays and I think that makes them very powerful when the writers and creative directors take on powerful stories.

So yeah, I expect some bright orange samurai armor from y'all. We can even incorporate the power T onto a Dogwood flower for my Sashimono (those little flags samurai would wear into battle). It'd be perfect :)
Glad you are enjoying I sure did.
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we should not be behind A&M and Auburn, though I am surprised with Missouri

In the rankings, A&M is number 26 and we are number 53 in public universities. In total ranking (public and private), A&M is 67 and we are 115. To me, being behind A&M is not surprising. Despite their cultish activities, it is a very good school.
In the rankings, A&M is number 26 and we are number 53 in public universities. In total ranking (public and private), A&M is 67 and we are 115. To me, being behind A&M is not surprising. Despite their cultish activities, it is a very good school.
Kinda surprising Georgia is that high.
Preach it, girl!!!! Burn the NCAA to the ground!!!
College athletics needs a non governmental governing body, with someone who has no allegiances, to act as commissioner. And ya know what? If that commissioner had some power it may not hurt.

I'm all about protecting people's rights. But, it fails to be fair and equitable at some point. It needs to be common sense.

Moreover, a 'governing body' that reacts, and pretends to be in lock step with Universities who want to do the right thing - yet equivocate. Are not only hypocritical in their mantra, they are more of a hindrance than adding value.

Outside of holding the NCAA tourney yearly, what value is NCAA bringing, to sports in general? And, to CFB? Every issue is met reactively, on different playing fields with little to no precedence. There is no uniformity. Real, actual problems, like this young ladies, are not addressed.

Its pathetic, that we lay down and dont take action. Enough people will have to speak, via legal channel for NCAA to reform. Hope that they do.
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College athletics needs a non governmental governing body, with someone who has no allegiances, to act as commissioner. And ya know what? If that commissioner had some power it may not hurt.

I'm all about protecting people's rights. But, it fails to be fair and equitable at some point. It needs to be common sense.

Moreover, a 'governing body' that reacts, and pretends to be in lock step with Universities who want to do the right thing - yet equivocate. Are not only hypocritical in their mantra, they are more of a hindrance than adding value.

Outside of holding the NCAA tourney yearly, what value is NCAA bringing, to sports in general? And, to CFB? Every issue is met reactively, on different playing fields with little to no precedence. There is no uniformity. Real, actual problems, like this young ladies, are not addressed.

Its pathetic, that we lay down and dont take action. Enough people will have to speak, via legal channel for NCAA to reform. Hope that they do.
How can there be "common sense" though if two sides fundamentally disagree on the basic premise of the issue in question? I know where I fall personally and what I would consider to be common sense on this issue but there are a lot of people that strongly, vehemently disagree.
College athletics needs a non governmental governing body, with someone who has no allegiances, to act as commissioner. And ya know what? If that commissioner had some power it may not hurt.

I'm all about protecting people's rights. But, it fails to be fair and equitable at some point. It needs to be common sense.

Moreover, a 'governing body' that reacts, and pretends to be in lock step with Universities who want to do the right thing - yet equivocate. Are not only hypocritical in their mantra, they are more of a hindrance than adding value.

Outside of holding the NCAA tourney yearly, what value is NCAA bringing, to sports in general? And, to CFB? Every issue is met reactively, on different playing fields with little to no precedence. There is no uniformity. Real, actual problems, like this young ladies, are not addressed.

Its pathetic, that we lay down and dont take action. Enough people will have to speak, via legal channel for NCAA to reform. Hope that they do.
The NCAA is nongonvernmental. It's simply an association of its members. It was created by private and public universities as a nonprofit, thus why nearly all of its money is remitted...back to the universities.

The allegiance will always be of one the almighty members of said association...the universities.

As long as universities run things (and hey they did set up the whole thing...) as they do now, I suspect you could end up with a name change. But same leaders behind it.
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How can there be "common sense" though if two sides fundamentally disagree on the basic premise of the issue in question? I know where I fall personally and what I would consider to be common sense on this issue but there are a lot of people that strongly, vehemently disagree.
I think decisions are being made predicated on fear.

Fear of public perception. Fear of non-inclusiveness. Fear of litigation. If that's so, then take it to the courts.

If you took a poll in US. And I mean not being lazy. Get away from the Pew Center main office, took an actual cume. Not during a campaign.

What would the average American say? Cmon.
The NCAA is nongonvernmental. It's simply an association of its members. It was created by private and public universities as a nonprofit, thus why nearly all of its money is remitted...back to the universities.

The allegiance will always be of one the almighty members of said association...the universities.

As long as universities run things (and hey they did set up the whole thing...) as they do now, I suspect you could end up with a name change. But same leaders behind it.
Slowness, red tape. ... indecision.


Smells like it.
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