Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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I say we tell them to fold their sanctions in the shape of a large cone and promptly sit on them.

VN: "Hey NCAA.... how about you take those sanctions, shine em up real nice. Then turn them sumbreeches sideways and stick em straight up your candy arses!"

its a gimmick that only the most talented, deepest defenses in the league can defend.

NFL teams have raved about HH's knowledge, work ethic, and leadership. I can take this comment and toss it aside.

One reason why we hve waxed that Wildcat ass twice years, in a row.
Not even sure they can defend it all that well if the talent is comparable. (See Ohio St. vs UGA, and our scheme is better than Ohio St.'s)
It’s where the slippery slope people were talking about years ago ends up. When you just allow anything, people will try everything.
I am absolutely stunned that 1. This dude thinks he has accomplished something. Newsflash - ya didn't. 2. That the NCAA not only allowed but encouraged it. This is close to what we all bitched about with the East German "women" athletes in the Olympics. 3. That he still had his man fruit and they thought it was ok for him to change with them.

I am so disgusted by all this.
It already has been…. The veer and shoot has been around since Art Briles…. Heup is just the best at running it and adding tweaks to improve it…The question that has to be answered is if Hooker, Hyatt, and Tillman are great individual players or the system we run made them great players.
I don't think there's a question. You can ask it all you want, but I see what I see. They will all be very successful.
All of this….guidance is so important but In some cases that becomes bad with what we’ve seen in recruiting with these “mentors”…but you never know your true ability until either you notice it or someone else see’s it in’s truly sad because some people don’t possess the god given ability and they just waste it….keep doing good in the neighborhood Mr.Rodgers it will pay off…maybe you’re the difference for someone tomorrow.
I don't work there anymore. But I am glad we did it.
“Our guys control everything," said Heupel. "I don’t think there’s anybody in America that puts more on their quarterbacks. Run-run checks, run-pass checks, loaded boxes, alerts, kills, they’ve got to do it all...

UGA fans locked in on us first. We were too busy enjoying some modicum of success to realize that Georgia has become our new Florida. And what I mean by that is this... In the 90s, Spurrier's personality and two great teams drove a rivalry that didn't exist into existence. Kirby and Georgia fans have been baiting us. They're not our rivals but since their rivals are down they've begun to act like we're their main one. All of their focus is on us and right now we may be their only threat. Florida and Auburn are both down. This is about to get heated (and to think I used to not mind UGA).
What makes an offense gimmicky? No one called it gimmicky Heupel's first year. It became gimmicky the moment it became the number one offense. Yet no one can explain to me how using tempo and spread - concepts every team uses - is a gimmick.
I think the definition of gimmicky starts to crop up more and more after you hang at least 40 on somebody.
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