Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Well, Kentucky’s offense is definitely NOT a gimmick!! It’s more like trash.

UK's Offense....

Chattanooga boy, Falcons sucked and I saw an epic play by Walter Payton on the old black & white. Bears sucked at the time too, but something about the franchise appealed. And I found a book in a classroom...Gale Sayers I Am Third and that only helped.
Epic play by Walter? Oh, that should be easy to find.
How long would it take your body to float to the surface from 8k meters?
It wouldn't. Once you reach a certain depth the pressure crushes every fiber of your body and the air in your lungs becomes denser than the water. Something like that.

In a lake dead ppl float up after they start accumulating gasses from decomposing but I don't think enough gas would be produced (or microbial processes be active) to float you.

Just put your cleats in the dirt.

Having an amazing system is very different than a gimmick offense. It's a fair concern for NFL GMs that Hooker's success is due in part to Heupel's amazing scheme. It's not fair to say Heupel's offense is gimmicky because it makes players look better than they would elsewhere. That's just stupid.
Having an amazing system is very different than a gimmick offense. It's a fair concern for NFL GMs that Hooker's success is due in part to Heupel's amazing scheme. It's not fair to say Heupel's offense is gimmicky because it makes players look better than they would elsewhere. That's just stupid.
They should just's an amazing plug and play system.

It is simple. Perfect for CFB (simplicity is one of the 5 tenets of the perfect college football offense according to the GOAT Bill C.)

These days you have transfers, freshman QBs trying to play, constantly shifting rosters, 3 and dones...then there is highly restricted practice times allotted, SCHOOL, nil obligations. Oh and if you go 6-6, the HC might be fired no matter his past yes plug and play is crucial.

The ole 300 page pro playbook is the enemy of the modern college offense. The Heupel system is perfection.
Oh Pruitt didn’t for sure but I’m just saying UK is a simple run heavy offense putting up very few points…just because “they” say it doesn’t translate to the NFL doesn’t mean it isn’t a winning product…it works in college and that’s all I care about.nobody really watches the NFL anyways and only a small percentage of college athletes go to the NFL so what does it really matter if we are beating top tier opponents and getting Top tier talent.🤔 Kentucky will always be mentioned in the same sentence with Vandy they’re just clout chasing for talking points.

When Stoops gets his way, 100% agree. We have seen that shiz offense in 2022, 2020, and every year prior to 2020.

The only time it wasn't complete crap was 2021 under Coen and he is returning. I do respect that dude. He'll probably do another 1 year and hop to a better job, so not worried. But I could see him taking that mehdiocre offensive roster and putting up a mid-tier sec offense. Then Stoops will go full Narduzzi and decide good offense is bad offense and go back to the 1960s.
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Some concepts for sure but overall the rules and hashmarks make a full transitional phase into an offense like Tennessee’s almost impossible at the professional level

But I'm very happy it is isolated. Everyone should stay away from this gimmicky offense. It is garbage. Trust us. Go run I-formation...heard it's Nu Wave football...
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What makes an offense gimmicky? No one called it gimmicky Heupel's first year. It became gimmicky the moment it became the number one offense. Yet no one can explain to me how using tempo and spread - concepts every team uses - is a gimmick.
It's partly successful by catching the defense out of position. Yes. True.

That is part of the advantage...but gimmicky? That's an opinion based on antiquated notions coming from the huddle-up days. Silly opinion looked at through a modern lens where very few huddle up and you better be prepared. Nor was the huddle-up ever an agreed-upon concept of football (a gentleman's agreement if you will), it was just what they used to do...going hurry up is no different than going blitz speed, we're just using it more tactically (aka using our brains, shame on us)...

It would be like calling a fast break in basketball gimmicky because you find advantages in not letting the defense get set....yeah no shiz!
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